Agricultural Policy

Poultry and Other Captive Birds Compulsory Registration

From 1 October 2024 it will become a legal requirement for all bird keepers in Wales (except

keepers of pet birds without any outside access) to register as a bird/poultry keeper on the

GB Poultry Register.

This change will allow Welsh Government to communicate with all bird keepers in Wales, in

the event of an avian disease outbreak

Navigating a Changing Political Landscape: FUW sets out its key priorities at the Royal Welsh Show

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has set out its robust asks of the UK and Welsh Governments despite the challenges presented by navigating through a constantly changing political landscape.

The FUW’s stance remains constant and relentless in an ever changing political arena.

Welsh farming is at an important crossroads which will determine our future for decades to come. Whilst the direction of travel depends heavily on the development of devolved agricultural policies, it must not be forgotten how decisions made by the newly elected UK Government will effectively determine the degree of funding the Welsh Government has available to support agriculture and rural development.

FUW welcomes continued support schemes and data confirmation exercise for 2025

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed the provision of support schemes to help bridge the gap until the Sustainable Farming Scheme is implemented, in addition to the much needed continuation of the Basic Payment Scheme as lobbied for by the Union to ensure stability for Wales’ family farms. 

The Habitat Wales Scheme (HWS) will once again be open for applications from farmers with identified habitat on their land. Habitat Wales Scheme Commons agreements can be extended, Farming Connect provisions are extended, and the Organic Support Payment will be maintained for 2025.

Welsh Government must continue to listen to Welsh farmers as SFS consultation response published, says FUW

Welsh Government must continue to listen to Welsh farmers as the summary of responses to the latest SFS consultation is published. The industry’s voice has been loud and clear and it has been a challenging process to get this far for everyone involved.

It comes as no surprise that the consensus from the mammoth 12,000 farmers and organisations who responded to the consultation calls for significant changes to the scheme proposals.