Agricultural Policy

Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Act 2024

A new law on exporting live animals from Great Britain has been passed.

From 22nd July 2024, it is an offence to export livestock and horses for slaughter and fattening from Great Britain. The Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Act 2024 bans the export of cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and horses for fattening and slaughter from Great Britain.

New BVD legislation from 1st July 2024

New legislation in Wales is being introduced this summer to eradicate BVD. BVD is a widespread viral disease affecting cattle, which can lead to abortion, infertility, deformed calves, and compromised herd health and welfare, particularly among youngstock. Infected herds often experience increased cases of calf pneumonia and scours.

Farming Connect advisory service funding available

Farming Connect offers specialist advice to improve business and technical performance. The Advisory Service provides expert, independent, confidential and bespoke advice to Welsh Farmers.

The aim is to ensure you:

Reminder - mandatory registration requirements for bird keepers

New measures for all bird keepers to officially register their birds regardless of the size of their flock were announced on 19 March 2024

Currently, only keepers with more than 50 birds are required to register their flocks. The changes announced will mandate all keepers, regardless of flock size, to officially register their birds before the deadline of the 1st of October in Wales