Agricultural Policy

AHDB hosts series of webinars on a changing consumer landscape

The Retail & Consumer Insight team at AHDB are holding a series of webinars during 10-12 November focussing on the changes in consumer attitudes towards key industry issues during the Covid-19 pandemic and how behaviours are expected to change in the coming months.

Host Steven Evans will be joined by AHDB’s sector experts across dairy, fresh produce and red meat to review reputational issues regarding buying local, environment, health and animal welfare, and how they impact consumer demand across each sector.

Liam Bryne, Head of Domestic Marketing at AHDB will also be reviewing the potential opportunities and threats to come as a result of the changes in attitudes over recent months.

For more information and to register, please visit the AHDB website here.

Expression of Interest Window Dates October 2020

Scheme Summary Window Close
Welsh Government 2020 BPS support scheme

The scheme will pay a loan of up to 90% of the business’ anticipated BPS claim value from 7 December to successful applicants and to those whose full BPS claim is not processed.

RPW will ensure that claimants whose support scheme applications are rejected are prioritised for processing to ensure that everyone receives either a full or support payment as early as possible.

The FUW would urge all Members to apply for the support scheme and to contact local FUW County Staff for assistance if required.

27 November 2020
Opt-in via RPW Online
Farm Business Grant - Yard Coverings

The Farm Business Grant Yard Coverings scheme seeks to support farmers to improve their current infrastructure for yard coverings - covering feeding areas, slurry pits, silage stores etc - where rainwater can be separated.

The scheme will have two windows and offer support of between £3,000 and £12,000.

Local FUW County Executive Officers will be able to explain the scheme requirements to members. FUW staff will not be able to complete the Expression of Interest on behalf of members due to the technical requirements.

Further information and guidance will become available on the Welsh Government website prior to the 9 November.

Farming Connect will also be hosting a webinar on 4 November. Booking is essential but not required to apply for the grant.

9 November - 18 December 2020 (£1.5 million)

Farming Connect: Prosper from Pasture

Farming Connect’s Prosper from Pasture programme is fully funded and will include entry, intermediate and advanced levels for those wishing to learn more about different grassland techniques.
To express an interest and for more information, please click here.

26 November 2020

WLGA seek young farmers to feed into the Rural Vision for Wales

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) is calling young people aged 16-30, from rural Wales, to share their opinions on their future, as part of our work to develop a Vision for Rural Wales.

The WLGA Rural Forum is working in partnership with Aberystwyth University to develop a Rural Deal, by developing a Vision and securing the resources to deliver.

The topics and themes raised in these discussions will be reported back to Local Authority Leaders for the rural areas of Wales, the people responsible for decisions around planning permission, education, and public services in your area.

By joining the conversation, you will also be part of a pan-European research project, identifying links between rural and urban areas, the ROBUST project.

Register to voice your opinions on the 14th October between 18:30-20:30 on Zoom, here -

Lords back to maintain food standards in UK Agricultural Bill

The UK Agriculture Bill is due to have its Third Reading in the House of Lords on 1st October 2020, having completed the Lords Committee and Report stages. The Bill will then return to the House of Commons.

In addition to supporting amendments which would have the effect of preventing substandard imports from entering the UK, the FUW has worked closely with Lords on a number of more detailed areas including:

  • The need for changes to levels of financial assistance and the design of financial assistance schemes under Part 1 of the Bill to take into account the support provided to, and operational environments of, agricultural businesses in other countries against which United Kingdom producers compete
  • The need for tariffs on imported agricultural goods to be set at levels which take into account the wellbeing of the UK agricultural sector and the importance of maintaining standards of imported goods which are equivalent to, or which exceed, the relevant domestic standards.

UK Internal Market Bill causes anger and worry

Ever since the Brexit vote in 2016, the Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) has highlighted the danger of possible divergences between standards and rules in different parts of the UK - and the need to reach agreement and put in place mechanisms that respect devolution early on to avoid this happening.

With the 31st December fast approaching, the UK Government has sought to address the problem in its Internal Market Bill, angering devolved administrations as the legislation would allow Westminster to dictate common rules and standards rather than requiring these to be reached by mutual agreement.

All this comes against a background of uncertainty over future trade deals, stricter regulations, the loss of farm payments and now, the Covid-19 recovery/return to lockdown process.

In August, the FUW responded to the consultation on the UK Internal Market White Paper, highlighting that while divergence between regulations in different parts of the UK could cause market distortion, this could also be caused by differences between agricultural support.