Agricultural Policy

FUW Webinar: Land use, conservation and cultural clearances - lessons for Wales and the UK from around the world

For more than five decades the charity Survival International has worked with tribal and indigenous peoples around the globe to protect them against racism, land theft, forced development and genocidal violence - often at the hand of so-called conservation groups or governments implementing sweeping land use changes.

On October 12th the organisation’s Director Stephen Corry and Research and Advocacy Officer Fiore Longo will join speakers from Wales and the north of England to consider how land use policies and conservation can become a cover for colonialism and the oppression of local populations - and why we shouldn’t consider this as just an issue for the Global South - once called the “Developing World”.

“Conservation groups are now openly calling for huge areas of land to be ‘protected’ from ‘human intervention’ (except theirs), without taking into account how traditional land users have shaped landscapes for countless generations – to the benefit of both human survival and biodiversity.

“They want to end the self-sufficiency of millions of people and push them off the land and into dependence on factory- farmed or produced food. This will be a disaster for people and the planet.”

Stephen Corry, Director, Survival International

Those interested in joining the webinar should contact FUW Policy Communication Officer Gareth Parry by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephoning 07872 903641.

FUW hosts virtual All Wales Mental Health Conference

Poor mental health and suicide in rural and farming communities is sadly an increasing problem and one that the FUW has made a commitment to help tackle.

As we approach the fourth year of awareness raising and doing everything it takes to help break the stigma, the Union is hosting a virtual All Wales Mental Health Conference on Friday 9 October 2020 via Zoom, ahead of World Mental Health Day.

The FUW understands that mental health problems can affect a person’s ability to process information and solve problems, deplete their energy and motivation, and increase impulsive behaviour. Whilst the symptoms are being treated, the root causes of these issues are not so frequently addressed.

This conference will therefore go beyond the usual points of discussions and explore the subject further. It is an open event and anyone with an interest in mental health is welcome to join us virtually on the day.

The morning session will explore the wider context of poor mental health in rural communities and what steps need to be taken by Governments, decision makers and policy shapers to address the situation, especially as Covid-19 has put further pressure not just on people’s mental health but also their finances.

Welsh Government update on TB picture in Low TB North Wales Area

The TB Team in Welsh Government have provided an update on the disease picture in the Low TB North Wales area following recent outbreaks.

Epidemiological evidence shows that bought-in cattle are the primary source of new infections in the Low TB area of Wales.

Pre and Post-Movement Testing reduces, yet does not eliminate, this risk because cattle can become infected after being tested but before being moved, or because they may be at the earliest stages of infection when the test is conducted and therefore the infection is at too early a stage to be picked up.

Welsh Government states that in the longer-term, only a mandatory system will make sure all cattle sellers disclose the disease history of the herd at the point of sale.

Low TB Area Statistics

SCOPS advice for using two newer wormer groups

In collaboration with Elanco Animal Health, sheep industry Stakeholders including the National Sheep Association (NSA) are urging sheep farmers to consider advice from the Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) group and use two of the newer wormer groups.

Using 4-AD orange and 5-SI purple wormers removes the build-up of worms that have survived previous treatments and slows the development of resistance to the other groups of wormers. They should be used as quarantine treatments for all incoming sheep and as a one-off treatment for lambs in the latter part of the grazing season following a worm egg count if necessary. More information can be found here.

In order to remove the risk of resistance to these newer groups of wormers, lambs staying on the farm should be treated and returned to the same fields for 5 days before moving them to cleaner grazing. More information can be found here.

For more information on the sustainable control of parasites, please see the SCOPS website.

Farming Connect Storfa Sgiliau CPD recording tool

LANTRA has supported Farming Connect to develop a fully funded Continuous Professional Development (CPD) recording system to capture all knowledge transfer and training activity undertaken by registered individuals during the current programme.

Users can:

  • Review their training certificates
  • View a record of attendance at Farming Connect and other knowledge transfer events
  • List scholarships, study tours and other personal development initiatives that they have taken part in
  • Give work experience details and skills gained
  • Download printable reports which can be used as evidence for Farm Assurance Schemes and Supply Chain audits as well as collating evidence of skills and competence in one place
  • Support their professional development

To access Storfa Sgiliau, you must be registered with Farming Connect, and log into your BOSS account via Sign on Cymru.

Find out how to store and update all your relevant records by visiting Farming Connect.