Agricultural Policy

WLGA seeking your views on a Rural Vision for Wales

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), in collaboration with Aberystwyth University, is working on developing a Rural Vision for Wales based on ten key themes.

As part of the development, the WLGA is seeking your views on the challenges and opportunities for rural Wales, as well as possible future scenarios and priorities for policy through this survey (English) (Welsh). The survey closes on 11 September 2020.

The rural vision will also be discussed and developed through the WLGA Rural Forum. The final document will outline a vision for rural Wales in 2030 and set out priorities in a Covid-29 ‘Rural Recovery Plan’.


Business Wales announce free modules to support businesses

Business Wales are currently holding online modules to support individuals who wish to create, or are already running, their own business. Those interested should book a place by calling 01745 585025 and a link to the relevant webinar will be sent to you.

The remaining modules include:

Module 3: Planning to be Market Ready
This webinar will look into the purpose of Marketing when starting your own business.
It will explore a variety of planning tools and marketing tactics, helping you define your strategy. It will also explain what skills are needed to develop a comprehensive marketing plan.
This final webinar will be held on Tuesday 1st September - 10:30 - 11:30

Module 4: Pricing for Profit
This webinar will cover the basics of pricing and the varying pricing strategies. It will also explore how to set competitive and profitable prices for your products and services.
This final webinar will be held on Wednesday 2nd September - 10:30 - 11:30

Module 5: Managing your Finances
This webinar will help you understand the basic financial statements, and will explain how to complete a cashflow forecast and keep track of your business finances.
This final webinar will be held on Thursday 3rd September - 10:30 - 11:30

Module 6: Managing your Business Effectively
This module explains your role as an effective manager and some of the systems you will need to put in place. It helps understand what it means to employ people, how to manage resources effectively and how to stay in control.
This final webinar will be held on Friday 4th September - 10:30 - 11:30


First BeefQ beef eating quality project results now available

The BeefQ – Beef Eating Quality project - funded through the RDP 2014-2020, aims to increase the eating quality and value of Welsh Beef production through the testing and demonstration of an enhanced carcase quality grading system based on the Meat Standards Australia (MSA) model.

The project, which is co-ordinated by IBERS, Aberystwyth University, and is being conducted with other stakeholders such as Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales - delivered a training course in eating quality assessment and meat science in early 2019 and development of the Welsh eating quality grading system is well underway. A survey of 2000 beef carcasses submitted for slaughter in PGI Welsh Beef processors was undertaken in February and August 2019, and a sub-sample of those carcasses presented to 1200 consumers at 20 events across Wales and England for taste testing. The first results from both the survey and the consumer testing are available in the latest BeefQ newsletters.

The next steps are to work with wider stakeholders in the beef industry in Wales, including the FUW, to develop a strategy to facilitate the implementation of an eating quality prediction system in Wales.

To learn more about the BeefQ project please go to the BeefQ project website where you can also register to receive the newsletter. You can also follow them on Twitter @BeefQWales.


August 2020 Surveys and Questionnaires

There are 4 open surveys this month. A brief synopsis and details for participation can be found below.

i. Help shape the future of disease control policies in British cattle

The University of Nottingham is leading on a new ‘infectious diseases’ project for farmers which is seeking the opinions and experiences of British cattle farmers for the control of infectious diseases. Farmers who complete the survey can enter a prize draw to win up to £100 in vouchers.

The survey can be completed here: and is open until the end of August 2020.

ii. Farmers wanted for survey on the impact of stress and fatigue in farming

The University of Aberdeen is conducting an interview study with farmers on stress and fatigue and the influence of these factors on ‘situation awareness’. Interested members must be aged over 18 and should contact Ilinca Tone via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

iii. Are you using rodenticide to get rid of rodents? Complete this survey

Rodenticide resistant ‘super rats’ are breeding in the UK and more information is needed to reduce their numbers. This survey will compile data to establish the extent to which resistance is understood and what methods farmers are using to control rodent infestations.
The survey is being supported by BASF to raise awareness of resistance and compile fresh data about the use of rodenticides on farms throughout the UK.

The survey is available to complete online until September 30th 2020 and can be completed here:

iv. Research project on Lyme Disease and outdoor workers

This study aims to conduct research on the knowledge and risk perception of Lyme disease amongst all outdoor workers in Wales. As cases rise in the UK, participation in the study will help develop a better understanding on the level of knowledge on Lyme disease and influence measures that can be implemented to reduce cases.

The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete and no personal information will be collected. For more information and to participate in the survey, please click here.


Expression of Interest Window Dates August 2020

Scheme Summary Window Close
Glastir Contracts

Glastir Advanced contracts whose initial period ends on 31 December 2020 will be offered contract renewals to commence on 1 January 2021.

Glastir Organic contracts whose initial period ends on 31 December 2020 and Glastir Advanced and Commons contracts where their contract renewal period is due to end on 31 December will also be offered an annual extension to commence on 1 January 2021.

It is anticipated these contracts will be offered in due course.

The contract will be offered via RPW Online. You will then need to accept this contract via RPW online within 21 days of the contract offer.
Your current Glastir contract will end if you do not accept the extended contract by the deadline.

The renewed contracts do not have a Capital Works element, and certain options have been removed/added or upgraded to meet the current legal framework as set out in the Welsh Government Rural Communities - RDP 2014 - 2020.

Glastir Small Grants - Water

Glastir Small Grants (GSG) - Water is a programme of capital works available to farmers to carry out projects to improve water quality and reduce flooding.

This window has a budget of £3 million and applications must be submitted via RPW Online.

Successful applicants will need to complete the capital works and submit the final claim by 31 March 2021.

Please contact your local FUW County Staff for assistance with your application.

Further information can be found here.

27 July - 4 September 2020
Farm Business Grant - Window 7

Claims along with supporting invoices and an accountants letter - in respect of contracts with a start date of 29 May - will need to be submitted by the 25 September 2020 via your RPW Online account.

25 September 2020
Glastir Small Grants: Landscape and Pollinators

Due to the covid pandemic, RPW have confirmed that the deadline for Glastir Small Grants: Landscape and Pollinators capital works has been extended to 30 September 2020 so that work can be conducted in September after the hedge cutting closed period.

30 September 2020
Farming Connect funding application window

The next funding application window for training opens on 7 September. Those registering for the first time during this window to apply for funded training or to update their account should contact Farming Connect before 5pm on 26 October.
Despite restrictions and the uncertainty around when face to face training will resume, Farming Connect Development Officers have continued to work, assisting those wishing to apply.

7 September - 30 October 2020