Agricultural Policy

Money and Pensions Service launch new tool to help navigate your finances

The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) have launched a new online Money Navigator Tool in Welsh and English to provide individuals and employees with personalised guidance on how to navigate their finances.

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on the lives of many in Wales and across the UK. The MaPS recognises that financial well-being can cause significant physical and mental health issues and therefore this tool has been designed to help those deal with the crisis.

This tool is also part of promoting the MaPS UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing. The FUW is contributing to this strategy which involves a number of sub-groups that look at each sector - including rurality and mental health - from a financial well-being perspective

More information can be found on the MaPS website here and the Money Navigator can be found here.

FUW guidance on the safe reopening of hospitality businesses

The FUW has prepared a summary of the Welsh Government guidance on the safe reopening of hospitality and tourism businesses in light of the ongoing pandemic and social distancing measures.

The guidance consists of key considerations with regards to managing risk, personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff and how physical distancing can be maintained between staff and visitors.

The summary document, along with a declaration for visitors to complete prior to their visit to your premises, can be requested from your local FUW County office.




Emergency Authorisation of Asulam for the 2020 season

An approval of an application to add some ground based control of bracken to the existing approval for aerial application was issued on the 9th July 2020. Approval has been subject to the terms set out in Emergency Authorisations granted by the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) of the Health and Safety Executive.

Bracken (Pteridium aquilinium) is a perennial plant that has an amazing invasive ability to spread through rhizomes under the ground, such that increases in land cover of around 3% per annum are not uncommon. Estimates of bracken ground cover vary between 900km2 (4.3%) and 1200km2 (5.3%) of Wales’ land mass.

Bracken is concentrated in the West of the United Kingdom, particularly in extensive areas of higher ground, often on sloping land, between 200 and 400 metres above sea level and out competes grassland and conservation species.

NADIS July parasite forecast and webinar

The July edition of the National Animal Disease Information Service (NADIS) parasite forecast and associated webinar can now be viewed on the NADIS website.

This edition includes information and advice on Nematodirosis, Haemonchosis and tapeworms in sheep and ticks and Lungworm in cattle. There is also a focus on Parasitic Gastroenteritis (PGE) in both species and Blowfly Strike in sheep.

During the summer months, Parasitic Gastroenteritis (PGE) is more likely to occur in weaning lambs and cause diarrhea, weight loss and reduced appetite. The recent long dry spell will have slowed down the development of eggs, however the recent alternating warm and damp conditions have been suitable for those eggs to develop into larvae in a short amount of time. Some lambs will have a heavier worm burden than others therefore not all lambs will require treatment.

Welsh Government allocate nearly £10 million to improve water quality

Welsh Government has allocated a sum of nearly £10 million towards improving water quality across Wales through a series of projects for 2020 to 2021:

  • Nature Recovery Action Plan - Natural Resources Wales (NRW) (£1.1m)
  • Rural Development Plan (RDP) through the Glastir Small Grant scheme - Water (£1.5m) - See Expression of Interest window dates July
  • Natural Flood Management Programme (£1m)
  • NRW Water Quality Improvement Projects (£800,000)
  • Research and Development Projects (£1m)

The Gelli Aur Sustainable Farming Centre will also benefit from a proportion of Research and Development funding as it aims to develop alternative systems for water and slurry management in collaboration with NRW, Welsh Water, AHDB, Farming Connect and the FUW.