Agricultural Policy

FUW Welcomes Vaccine Trials as Step Forward in Bovine TB Control

The Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) has welcomed the news that bovine TB vaccine trials are due to begin shortly in England and Wales.

The trials form part of a longer-term strategy towards possible vaccine rollout by 2025 and will be conducted over the next 4 years on behalf of the Welsh Government, the Scottish Government and Defra.

The start of vaccine trials represents many years of research and development into bovine TB vaccines and diagnostic tests.

Cattle vaccination continues to be one of the tools in the tool box that have, so far, been unavailable to our members and the FUW welcomes the news that work on this aspect of bovine TB control is moving forward.
However, vaccination is not a silver bullet and it remains just one method of bovine TB control. The FUW continues to support a holistic approach to bovine TB control in Wales which is guided by science and not politics.

News in Brief July 2020

Small abattoirs to receive funding through Agriculture Bill

Ministers confirmed that slaughtering will be recognised as one of the ‘ancillary services’ eligible for financial support as the Agriculture Bill passed through the House of Lords.

There are currently 62 small abattoirs across the UK according to the Food Standards Agency, down from 75 in 2016 and 96 in 2007.

Red meat production down on 2019 but on the rise

DEFRA’s UK statistics show that 987,800 lambs were taken to slaughter in June - up 9% on June last year - although throughput for the first half of 2020 remains 10% below 2019 levels due to dry conditions in Spring delaying the finishing of stock.

Prime cattle slaughterings in June totalled 175,500 animals (80,100 tonnes), up 10% on the same time last year and up 11.5% by volume.

EU leaders strike a deal on a coronavirus recovery package

EU leaders have struck a deal on a coronavirus recovery package worth a total of 750 Billion Euros aimed at relieving the pressure of recovering from the pandemic. Around half of the fund (€390bn) will go towards the ‘economically weakened’ EU Member States although Germany and France originally proposed a sum of 500 Billion Euros.

The leaders have also agreed on the EU’s budget for the next seven years which is worth just over 1 Trillion Euros.

New Red Tractor Crops Sector chair appointed

Former NFU Deputy President, Guy Smith, has been appointed as the new Red Tractor Combinable Crops and Sugar Beet Sector chair, succeeding Laurence Matthews who will come to the end of his second term in November.

RPW farm inspections update

In March, RPW suspended physical farm inspections and introduced an alternative process whereby farmers submitted geo-tagged photographs of completed work alongside documentary evidence.

As restrictions are beginning to be lifted, RPW are now resuming physical farm visits in-line with suitable Covid-19 risk assessments. These visits will be land based and can mostly be carried out without the farmer being present. RPW will ask farmers to submit electronic copies of their records wherever possible and will follow social distancing and hygiene guidelines when hard copies must be checked.
Farmers can submit written notification of any Force Majeure / Exceptional Circumstances event preventing compliance within 15 days of it occurring via RPW Online.

Gwaredu BVD free testing extended

Funding for free testing under Gwaredu BVD has now been extended until March 2021. Funding for Young Stock Screening has been extended from 31st August 2020 to the 31st March 2021, with financial support available to hunt PIs until the end of 2022.

This increased payment rate for fourth tests (i.e for those that have tested every year) will apply retrospectively from April 27th, 2020. Any fourth tests conducted before the extension date (September 1st, 2020) will be honoured and paid as part of the extended programme.

Funding is available for those that have tested already (to continue yearly testing) and for those that have never tested before. We encourage all FUW members to engage as discussions on legislation for BVD continue and it is likely that this will begin in 2021.

Welsh dairy support scheme reminder

This is a reminder that eligible dairy farmers in Wales - who have lost more than 25% of their income in April and subsequently May - are entitled to up to £10,000, to cover 70% of their lost income.

The scheme is open for applications on RPW Online and will close on 14 August 2020. Eligible farmers will need to provide their Milk Statements covering February, April and May 2020 as supporting documentation in order to demonstrate the loss in income.

As an illustrative example, when a single price is paid for all milk volumes, a February 2020 average base price (excluding adjustments) of 26ppl and an April 2020 average base price (excluding adjustments) of 19ppl would calculate a loss in income of 26.9% (26ppl - 19ppl ÷ 26ppl x 100 = 26.9%) which would be eligible for the scheme.

Those members who believe they are eligible for the scheme and wish to receive assistance in completing and submitting their claims should contact their local FUW County Office.