Agricultural Policy

News in brief August 2020

i) Two new appointees to the new ruminant health and welfare group

Two new appointments have been made to the new UK-wide Ruminant Health and Welfare Group (RHWG).

Ms Caroline Slay, with vast experience in marketing communications within the industry, has been appointed as secretary general. Mr Gwyn Jones, who also sits on Defra’s Animal Health and Welfare Board for England through AHDB, has been appointed as Vice Chair.

Endemic diseases and related challenges cost the UK cattle and sheep industry more than £500 million every year.

ii) Irish beef finishers benefit from income support scheme

An estimated 42,000 Irish beef finishing farmers will be eligible for a €50 million income support scheme for cattle sent to slaughter between 1 February and 12 June.

Despite the fact that a huge number of Welsh beef farmers were hit hard when the foodservice sector shut its doors, prices in England and Wales have been recovering in line with demand and remained in the region of 30¢ per kg above Irish prices throughout the pandemic.

Welsh Government launch BPS support scheme for 2020

Welsh Government has announced that the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) Support scheme will return for a third consecutive year in order to provide claimants with the much needed support and flexibility in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The scheme will pay a loan of up to 90% of the business’ anticipated BPS claim value from 7 December to successful applicants and to those whose full BPS claim is not processed.

The scheme will follow an ‘opt-in’ process and will be open for applications via RPW Online from 1 September to 27 November 2020.

There are some instances where a support scheme payment would not be appropriate and these are highlighted in the guidance on RPW Online. For example, where there is an outstanding grant probate or if penalties applied to the claim will not be covered by the balance payment.

RPW will ensure that claimants whose support scheme applications are rejected are prioritised for processing to ensure that everyone receives either a full or support payment as early as possible.

The FUW would urge all Members to apply for the support scheme and to contact local FUW County Staff for assistance if required.



New NRW area statements raise concerns for rural businesses

In response to the National Resources Policy which was published by Welsh Government in 2017, NRW have published 7 Area Statements to ‘find solutions to a number of challenges facing the natural environment’. The Area Statements cover different parts of Wales - six terrestrial, one marine. Each of the Area Statements identifies what NRW believes are the key challenges facing a particular area.

FUW have consistently argued against the creation of Area Statements - seeing them as being developed without sufficient farmer engagement and with little consideration of the potential restrictions that they might place on rural businesses. Given the Gross Value Added (GVA) figure for Welsh agriculture is around £385 million, FUW argue that Area Statements go little way to reflecting the wider value of agriculture to Wales, including in terms of key Future Well-being goals.

For example:

  • Around 58,000 people are employed in full, part-time and seasonal work on farms
  • Agriculture is the most significant single contributor to an estimated £1.9 billion in wildlife-based activity
  • 80% of the land in Wales is managed by farmers.

In response, the FUW is urging members to complete the short questionnaire about the Area Statement most relevant to their area:

New forestry industry recovery scheme now open

The Forestry Industry Recovery Scheme, a £1.5 million capital investment scheme aimed towards increasing capacity in the forestry sector as part of the National Forest Programme, is now open to applications.

It is hoped that the scheme will help those involved in the harvesting and/or growing of trees for planting in Wales to move towards a green recovery.

The key aim of the scheme is to improve the capacity of tree nurseries to supply trees for planting. Support will also be available for:

  • Ground preparation equipment
  • Equipment for tree safety works for trees affected by Ash Dieback
  • Equipment or appropriate technology that aids the harvesting of timber which improves sustainable forest management and resilience in natural resources

Eligible projects will be able to access a maximum grant of 200,000 Euros.

The scheme is open until 18 October 2020 and more information can be found here.

FUW reminds members to store ammonium nitrate fertiliser safely

The FUW is reminding all farmers who store and use ammonium nitrate fertilisers to do so safely after the unsafe storage of 2,750 tonnes caused a major explosion in Beirut.

Ammonium nitrate has been manufactured into fertiliser in the UK for more than a century and, despite large volumes now being imported from the EU, all fertilisers on sale in the UK are subject to strict regulations as part of the Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme (FIAS).

Nevertheless, the substance must still be handled and stored safely which involves a degree of common sense, such as storing it away from any other flammable substances or fuels and sweeping up any spillages.

The Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) has prepared a 5-point plan for storing and handling fertilisers. Full guidance from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) can be viewed here.