FUW Caernarfon AGM to discuss future of farming

The Annual General Meeting of the FUW’s Caernarfonshire County Branch will be held at Caernarfon Golf Club, on Wednesday 6 November at 7.30 pm. 

The main topic of the evening will be Sustainable Farming and addressing the issue are Dr Prysor Williams from Bangor University and Nia Williams from Natural Resources Wales.  Also present will be FUW President Glyn Roberts, who will provide an update on the Union’s activity. 

FUW Caernarfon County Chairman Dafydd Williams said: “We look forward to an informative evening, which I’m sure will provide much food for thought. I do hope that many of you can join us.”

The event is sponsored by HSBC and the FUW is looking forward to welcoming Bryn Edmunds on behalf of the bank.

“The meeting will be held in Welsh, but you are more than welcome to bring a friend along with you to the meeting that will be able to translate for you,” added Mr Williams. 

Light refreshments will be served at the end of the meeting. 

If you intend coming to the AGM please contact the county office by Monday 4 November on 01286 672541.  

FUW Deputy President honoured with FUW - United Counties Agricultural & Hunters Society award


Newly appointed Farmers’ Union of Wales Deputy President Ian Rickman has been recognised for his services to agriculture in Carmarthen with the Farmers’ Union of Wales - United Counties Agricultural and Hunters Society Award.


Vale of Glamorgan dairy champion honoured by FUW for services to agriculture


Every year the Farmers’ Union of Wales recognises an individual who has made a great contribution towards the development of the dairy industry and has become an integral part of the dairy industry in Wales.


FUW President outlines key concerns for dairy sector ahead of Welsh Dairy Show


Farmers’ Union of Wales president Glyn Roberts outlined key concerns facing the dairy sector ahead of the annual Welsh Dairy

show at a special function held at Carmarthen Livestock Market (Monday, 28 October, 2019).



Dairy enthusiasts visit iconic Welsh cheese producer


A delegation of dairy enthusiasts from the Farmers’ Union of Wales have made the pilgrimage to iconic Welsh cheese producer Caws Teifi Cheese in the heart of Ceredigion.

‘Dancing Queen’, ‘Naughty 40’ or ‘Garden Gate’ - what will it be for you at Pembrokeshire Bingo Night Extravaganza

The Pembrokeshire branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales has organised a bingo evening in aid of the DPJ Foundation on Thursday 14 November, at Haverfordwest Cricket Club.  Doors open 7 pm, eyes down at 8 pm.  

The DPJ Foundation was set up in July 2016 following the death of Daniel Picton-Jones. The foundation aims to support people in rural communities with poor mental health, especially men in the agricultural sector. 

Agriculture carries one of the highest rates of suicide and with mental health being such a big problem across society the foundation aims to break down the stigma that surrounds mental health and provide support services for those in rural communities.

FUW Pembrokeshire County Executive Officer Rebecca Voyle said: “I would like to extend a warm welcome to all to join us for what promises to be a fun evening - you never know ‘Dancing Queen’, ‘Naughty 40’ or ‘Garden Gate’ might just be what you need. We hope that as many as possible will join us on the night to help us raise money to support the fantastic work the DPJ Foundation does.”

For more information on the event, contact the Pembrokeshire FUW office on 01437 762913.
