Agricultural Policy

FUW stresses importance of scrutiny in Trade Bill evidence session

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has stressed the importance of scrutiny to any trade deals the UK makes when it gave evidence to the Trade (Australia and New Zealand) Bill committee on Wednesday 12 October.

The FUW welcomed the opportunity to give evidence at the committee stage. Whilst this Bill refers specifically to the procurement sections of the trade deals and, if passed, will be the final piece of the jigsaw for the UK Government to ratify the deals, it nonetheless provided the opportunity to voice concerns regarding potential impacts and the current scrutiny process.

If New Zealand and Australian producers can apply for procurement contracts in the UK, it will act as a further incentive to flood UK markets. In the grand scheme of things, it’s unlikely that UK producers would be able to compete for procurement contracts in their countries due to differences in scale and production methods, but this simply emphasises the importance of directing procurement policies in the UK towards Welsh and British produce.

FUW welcomes BPS advance payment announcement

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed the announcement that 97% of those farmers claiming the BPS payment, will receive the advance payment on 14th October 2022. The Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales and Trefnydd, Lesley Griffiths, announced that 70% of their estimated claim value will be paid, which represents over £161 million that will be paid to more than 15,600 Welsh farm businesses.

Farm businesses are set to receive the full and remaining balance of the BPS 2022 payments from 15th December 2022, subject to full validation of the BPS claim. 

News in Brief October 2022

EU cereal production predicted to be below average

Latest figures published by the EU Commission predict that EU cereal production will be 8% lower than last year and 5.1% below the 5 year average.

The EU previously relaxed environmental rules in an attempt to increase production, by allowing farmers to plant crops on environmental areas, due to shortages following the war in Ukraine. 

The latest figures show that despite the environmental derogations the area planted across the EU was 1.3% lower than the 5 year average. As well as a drop in the area planted, a drought across the EU during the summer has further exacerbated the situation with yields of harvested crops falling by 7% compared to 2021 and 3% lower than the 5 year average.

FUW Warning Over Acorn Poisoning Risk


The FUW is warning its membership to be aware of acorn poisoning in sheep and cattle following several reports of recent stock losses.

According to NADIS, acorn poisoning is one of the most common causes of plant poisoning amongst cattle and sheep.  The problem can be exacerbated as the poorer autumn weather continues and stronger winds and gales are forecast. 

Clinical signs include depression, rapid weight loss, tiredness, vomiting and diarrhoea. If eaten in sufficient quantities, acorns  can cause birth defects in pregnant cattle. The tannins in acorns are known to damage the kidneys, and the majority of deaths associated with acorn poisoning are due to kidney failure. 

Provide feedback on the Sustainable Farming Scheme

A survey is being conducted to allow the Welsh Government better understand how the actions and processes set out in the outline proposals for the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) will work across different farm types.

The survey has been designed to understand whether Welsh farmers feel able to undertake the actions proposed in the recent SFS Outline, and if not, what are the main barriers, and what further support would be needed.     

The actions span a number of areas from improving business performance, enhancing livestock health, and improving the management of soils, habitats and woodlands.