Agricultural Policy

EID Cymru Multispecies System update

Bringing together separate systems for cattle, sheep and pigs the Welsh Government is expanding EID Cymru into Wales’ first multispecies traceability system. The announcement to create a single multispecies traceability system was made in December 2018 but due to complexities and outside dependencies there have been delays in progressing the project.  

A progress report has recently been published on the Welsh Government website on the development of EID Cymru into the new multispecies traceability system.

Phase 1 of the development was to update the Sheep, Goat and Deer system which was completed in November 2021. Phase 2 is underway and is developing the EID Cymru system to incorporate all cattle registration and movement reporting. There will be a transition from BCMS and CTS to EIDCymru for all Welsh keepers and premises. This is expected to be rolled out by the end of 2023.

FUW reminds Senedd that Agriculture (Wales) Bill must protect farm incomes

The Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) has renewed its call for the addition of a fifth objective in the Agriculture (Wales) Bill to ensure that farm economics and viability are encompassed under the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Land Management (SLM) framework.

The necessity of an objective relating to farm incomes was discussed by the FUW at a recent Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs (ETRA) Committee evidence session held in Cardiff.

The FUW welcomed the opportunity to give evidence at the committee stage. This Bill, if designed appropriately, represents a chance to develop farming policies which are tailored for the needs of those living and working in Wales and underpins the biggest change for Welsh agriculture since the UK joined the European Union.

Water Resources announcement is a welcomed opportunity to influence change says FUW

The latest announcement on the Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations, which sets out intentions to delay the implementation of the annual whole farm nitrogen limit of 170kg per hectare and consult on a licensing scheme to increase that limit, is a welcomed opportunity to influence change.

The written statement from Lesley Griffiths, Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd on Wednesday 5th October 2022, which has been issued under the Co-operation Agreement with Plaid Cymru, recognised that as result of uncertainty, some farm businesses will have delayed taking investment decisions and making the necessary preparations.

In recognition of these circumstances, the Minister set out intentions to consult on a licensing scheme this autumn to be operational until 2025 and provide a short extension of the implementation of the whole farm nitrogen limit of 170kg per hectare until April 2023. 

First shipment of PGI Welsh Lamb to USA in decades is good news for industry says FUW

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed news that the first consignment of PGI Welsh Lamb in decades has been shipped to the United States.

The first consignment of UK lamb destined for the USA, since imports were banned in 1996 due to potential BSE risk, was processed at Dunbia in Carmarthenshire, the first plant in the UK to achieve approval for export.

The FUW welcomed the announcement by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in September last year that the long standing ban was expected to be lifted.