Agricultural Policy

Bovine TB Risk Based Trading Survey

The FUW is seeking members' views on the ibTB interactive risk based trading tool which maps bovine TB outbreaks in England and Wales over the previous 10 years.

The ibTB site is currently open access, free to use and can be found at the following URL: ibTB is currently funded by Defra and the Welsh Government and has been developed by the Environmental Research Group Oxford (ERGO) and APHA. ERGO and APHA are continuing to develop ibTB and have designed a User survey relating to the functionality of the site and also the factors that should be included when using the site to determine the TB risk of cattle prior to purchase. 

ibTB already displays risk based trading information for cattle herds in England.  This includes the number of years that a herd has been clear of TB.  However, there are other more complex ‘health scores’ which might be included that combine different pieces of information. This could include the number of reactor cattle per breakdown (as a percentage of the number of animals in the herd), or the movement histories of herds from which animals are potentially being purchased. Another potential measure of risk being proposed is whether or not the herd is a member of an accredited scheme such as CHeCS.

Avian Influenza update

An all-Wales Avian Influenza Prevention Zone has been declared by the Welsh Government from the 17th October 2022. The Prevention Zone applies to the whole of Wales. It will require all bird keepers to adhere to certain biosecurity measures, as set out in the declaration. 

Biosecurity measures in the declaration include:

HCC Red meat levy increase proposals

Hybu Cig Cymru have launched an eight week consultation on proposals to link red meat levy rates to inflation. HCC are seeking the views of stakeholders on how the work to promote Welsh red meat can be maintained in light of the erosion in real terms of the income from levy revenue due to inflation over the past 10 years.

The proposal is to introduce a new mechanism to allow annual levy rates to track inflation so that levy income is maintained in real terms. As an example, if inflation for 2022 was 8.8% then levy rates for 2023/24 would increase by 8.8%.This would see the producer levy for 2023/24 for sheep increase by 6 pence from 63 pence to 69 pence and cattle increase by 38 pence from £5.67 to £6.05.

HCC say that an increase in levy income will ensure that the Welsh red meat industry has a sufficiently funded red meat body to undertake development, promotion and marketing of Welsh red meat, both at home and abroad. 

UK Veterinary Antibiotic Resistance and Sales Surveillance 2021

The UK Veterinary Antibiotic Resistance and Sales Surveillance 2021 Report was published on the 8th November and showed a continued downward trend on antibiotic use in food producing animals in the UK.

Since 2014, the VARSS reports have shown how data on antibiotic sales and on-farm use has helped show national trends and formulate actions.

Highlights of this year’s report include:

DPJ Foundation training courses on Mental Health Awareness in agriculture

The DPJ Foundation has upcoming courses on Mental Health Awareness in Agriculture in Wales. 

The sessions aim to increase awareness of mental health in agriculture in Wales with practical tips to support someone who is struggling.

The training is for anyone who works/lives in the agricultural sector in Wales or works directly with Welsh Farmers.