Agricultural Policy

FUW Dairy Market Report

It could be easily forgotten that towards the close of 2021 input costs such as the three ‘F’s’; feed, fuel and fertiliser, were already creeping up in price. However, the Russian war on Ukraine acted as a catalyst for the explosive increase in costs and the start of the rapid increase in milk prices offered by processors seen in 2022, with AHDB reporting a massive 52.9% increase in all GB milk between November 2021 and November 2022.

Processors caught on to the severe increases in milk production costs and quickly acted to increase the price paid for milk to support and sustain yields, however, last summer's drought resulted in farmers struggling to reach 2021 levels.

Production increased 2.5% over September and November compared with 2021 levels and are unlikely to see the usual winter dip in milk production. This is likely to be problematic as the spring flush will also soon hit, delivering the usual seasonal glut of milk onto the market.

Farming Connect Water Resources Regs 2021 Factsheets

Farming Connect has added two new factsheets on their website.

They are:-

As part of the Control of Agricultural Pollution regulations 2021, every farm business that spreads organic manure is now required to produce a risk map.


Free Search for Cheaper Business Utility Bills

Members of the FUW can get a free search for cheaper business utility bills through Love Energy savings.

Agriculture is an energy-intensive industry and for many farms throughout Wales, the rising energy prices are a constant concern. 

In a sector where tight margins make and break businesses, an openness to cutting costs and reducing the amount of money spent on gas and electricity can be imperative if a farm is to survive and prosper.

Free sheep scab skin scrapes

The Welsh Government is currently offering free skin scrapes for sheep scab all year round.  

The free diagnostic test is for sheep displaying clinical signs only. 

Skin scrape samples will be received in the normal way, via a vet and should be posted directly to APHA Carmarthen Veterinary Investigation Centre, where testing will be undertaken. An epidemiological questionnaire is no longer required to be completed to qualify for free testing. 

Samples can be submitted either - with a Small Ruminant submission form - or through the online portal ADTS (free postage is available with ADTS). Samples must be accompanied by a fully completed submission form / ADTS submission to qualify for free testing. 

You need to include a full clinical history and any relevant treatment history, and note on the form ‘Wales sheep scab testing’. Samples should be sent to: 

APHA Carmarthen Veterinary Investigation Centre 

Job’s Well Road 




SA31 3EZ

For any queries or more information contact the APHA Carmarthen VIC on 0300 060 0016 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Johne’s Disease Survey

A research project on Johne’s Disease that Cranfield University is carrying out in conjunction with Interherd+, My Healthy Herd and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)  is looking for participants. The project seeks to investigate what the barriers to on-farm implementation on Johne’s control measures are. 

They are looking to speak to both vets and farmers about their experience of Johne’s control. They have developed a short survey to gather initial views on Johne’s control and to ask vets and farmers if they would be willing to take part in a short research interview.

To express your interest in taking part in the survey fill out the short questionnaire 


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Ca parte a parteneriatului nostru cu FUW, cazinoul nostru online Ice Casino lansează o serie de jocuri cu tematică agricolă, unde o parte din încasări vor merge în sprijinul agriculturii.