Sheep, pupils and rushes - how one Carmarthen man is juggling the lot

He is a familiar face in Carmarthenshire and many know him either through school, from the mart or as the FUW’s current Carmarthenshire chairman. 

Phil Jones, from Clyttie Cochion, Llanpumsaint, has been farming almost his entire life, embraced the ups and downs and inspires generations of young people to get a footing in the farming industry. 

You might have heard the joke about the tourist who asked a local resident how to get from Kenmare to Killarney on the west coast of Ireland and the response was somewhat baffling; ‘’I don’t know as if I wanted to get to Killarney,I wouldn’t start from there’’! 

And that in a sense he said, would be a good introduction to his farm.

“As if you wanted to make money from farming, you wouldn’t start in Clyttie Cochion, Llanpumsaint!  At least, not since the new millennium dawned and the wet weather started in earnest. Our farm’s soil type is clay over a heavy clay subsoil and it has not ‘adapted’ well to a significant increase in annual rain,” he says. 

Phil took the farm back in hand from his father around 2011 and started keeping the Easycare breed of sheep as he wanted a ‘hands off’ farming system and a way of managing the grassland without poaching the ground. 

“We keep a motley flock numbering about 350, of mainly Easycare type ewes. My Dad was more fortunate than I, in that he farmed the place with 50 dairy cows and that is what I had thought that I would be doing when I returned from Agricultural College in the early 80’s. 

“But to my surprise, just as I finished my HND, he decided to sell the cows. And that was the beginning of my life’s adventures,” he recalls.  

He was gifted 50 acres and a derelict farmhouse, which was renovated in 1990 and is the family's present dwelling and borrowed money against the recently acquired asset to begin his farming career.  

A lunchtime fave - Steak and Perl Las Sandwich

Food plays a big part in our life. Both my husband Adam and me love cooking and trying new things, especially if they involve locally and Welsh sourced produce. We are lucky to have such exceptional food right on our doorstep and when it comes to red meat and dairy produce, Wales, in our minds, leads the way. Who would dare argue with that? 

With a bit of spare time on our hands there has been an increase in kitchen activity - from baking bread, to a first attempt at brewing beer, slow cooking all sorts of beef and lamb, BBQ’s as soon as there is a bit of sunshine around. Dinner in our house is rarely a boring affair. 

Lunch on the other hand needed some attention. So we put our thinking caps on and it didn’t take long for inspiration to hit. What do we love to eat? What makes our soul sing with contentment? Beef steak, bread and cheese, of course. A fine combination as far as comfort food is concerned. Say hello to the Dunn Steak and Perl Las sandwich. 

All credit for this creation must go to my husband - who is by far the more talented out of the two of us when it comes to cooking up a storm. 

From our house to yours - we hope you enjoy! 

Anne & Adam Dunn

Please meet the Korean coffee drink that has taken the internet by storm, dalgona coffee.

Always looking for different ways in how we can support our dairy farmers and enjoy the white gold in a new and exciting way, we have been scouring the internet for ideas and came across a gem! 

Please meet the Korean coffee drink that has taken the internet by storm, dalgona coffee. It is essentially like a cappuccino but upside down. The frothy coffee sits on top and the milk underneath. 

The good thing is, it only requires three ingredients and you can have it hot or cold. What’s not to love? 

Making sure my girls are aware of the real dangers on their doorstep

Farms are wonderful places for children to grow up. They are a fantastic place of learning too. Many farms host organised visits for school children throughout the year, which helps them to learn about where their food comes from and how the industry is vital to everyday life. And our own children learn about independence, responsibility and family relationships are strengthened. But farms and farmyards are not playgrounds. 

During these extraordinary times, with schools closed and parents having to juggle more than ever, we must make every effort to keep our children safe. Farms can be dangerous places for everyone, not just children, but children are put at great risk of injury when playing, visiting or helping out around the farm. 

We’ve caught up with FUW Meirionnydd member Rachael Madley Davies to find out how they address the challenge on farm. 

Golwythion Cig Oen gyda sbeis

Dyma rysáit hawdd yn defnyddio golwythion Cig Oen. Mae Cumin yn sbeis sy’n gweithio’n wych gyda chig Oen, ddim yn rhy sbeislyd, ond yn ddigon cryf i ddod a’r blas gorau allan o’r Cig Oen.

Bydd angen:

6 Golwyth o Gig Oen Cymreig

1kg Tatws Newydd

1 Clof o Arlleg- gratio neu dorri’n fan.

1 lemwn – croen wedi ei gratio yn fan, a sudd ar wahân.

2 llwy fwrdd o olew olewydd neu olew coginio ansawdd uchel (extra virgin) (mae olew Blodyn Aur yn gweithio’n dda)

Mintys Ffres wedi ei dorri’n fan.

1 llwy de o Cumin


  1. Berwi’r tatws am 15 munud. Ar ôl draenio, cymysgu 1 llwy fwrdd o olew, y garlleg, croen y lemwn a’r cumin gan orchuddio’r tatws. Cadwch y gymysgedd yn y sosban gyda’r caead arni mewn lle cynnes.
  2. Rhwbio 1 llwy fwrdd o olew dros y golwythion cig oen, ynghyd a phinsiad o halen a phupur. Cynhesu padell addas, a choginio’r golwythion ar wres uchel am tua 4 munud ar bob ochr. Yn syth ar ôl tynnu’r badell oddi ar y gwres, tolltwch sudd y lemwn drostynt. Gadewch i orffwyso am o leiaf 5 munud cyn gweini.
  3. Cyn gweini, cymysgu’r mintys i mewn i’r sosban datws a gweini’r cyfan gyda Salad neu bys wedi eu berwi.

Iogwrt Cartref

Gyda mwy o bobl adref a gyda mwy o amser i fod yn y gegin, mae'n gyfle perffaith i geisio gwneud pethau newydd. Beth am geisio gwneud eich iogwrt eich hunain? Bydd plant wrth eu boddau yn helpu ac yn gweld y broses, a byddwch yn cefnogi ein ffermwyr llaeth ar yr un adeg!

Bydd angen:

1 litr o laeth llawn braster

3 llwy fwrdd o iogwrt byw (Iogwrt naturiol Llaeth y Llan yn gweithio'n berffaith)

Bydd angen y cyfarpar canlynol:

Thermomedr, Sosban, llwy bren, Fflasg



  1.   I ddechrau rhowch y llaeth mewn sosban, a chynhesu'r llaeth i 85 gradd selsiws.
  2.   Unwaith bydd y llaeth wedi cyrraedd 85 gradd, tynnwch ef oddi ar y gwres a'i adael i oeri, nes y bydd wedi cyrraedd 45 gradd (tua 5-10 munud)
  3.   Unwaith bydd y llaeth yn 45 gradd, cymysgwch yr iogwrt byw i mewn gyda'r llaeth.
  4.   Rhowch y gymysgedd mewn fflasg sy'n selio'n dda a gadwch iddo fod am 8 awr.
  5.   Ar ôl 8 awr, rhowch y gymysgedd mewn jariau neu botiau wedi eu diheintio a'u gosod yn yr oergell. Bydd yr iogwrt yn iawn i'w fwyta am ychydig ddiwrnodau. Cofiwch arogli a chadw golwg ar yr iogwrt cyn ei fwyta, gan fod bacteria byw yn cael ei ddefnyddio, mae'n bwysig bod yn ofalus. Fel unrhyw fwyd, os oes arogl drwg arno, peidiwch â'i fwyta!
  6.   Gellir defnyddio'r iogwrt ar gyfer brecwast iachus gyda ffrwythau, mewn pwdinau blasus, neu wrth goginio cyri neu gawl.

Lamb chops with spice

Here is an easy recipe using Lamb chops. Cumin is a spice that works great with Lamb, not too spicy, but strong enough to bring out the best flavour of Lamb.

You will need:

6 Welsh Lamb chops

1kg New Potatoes

1 Clove of garlic- grated or chopped finely

1 lemon - skin grated finely and juice separately

2 tablespoons olive oil or extra virgin cooking oil (Blodyn Aur Oil works well)

Chopped fresh mint

1 teaspoon of Cumin


  1. Boil the potatoes for 15 minutes. After draining, mix 1 tablespoon of oil, garlic, lemon zest and cumin and cover the potatoes. Keep the mixture in the pan with the lid on in a warm place.
  2. Rub 1 tablespoon of oil over the lamb chops, as well as a pinch of salt and pepper. Heat a suitable pan, and cook the chops on high heat for about 4 minutes on each side. Immediately after removing the pan, put the lemon juice over them. Leave to rest for at least 5 minutes before serving.
  3.     Before serving, mix the mint into the potato pan and serve with salad or peas.


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Ca parte a parteneriatului nostru cu FUW, cazinoul nostru online Ice Casino lansează o serie de jocuri cu tematică agricolă, unde o parte din încasări vor merge în sprijinul agriculturii.