FUW members quiz MEP at Flintshire AGM

The Flintshire branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales has enjoyed an excellent turnout of members at its annual general meeting held at the Village Hall in Cilcain on the eve of Friday October 10.

Guest speakers Jill Evans MEP and FUW director of policy Dr Nick Fenwick were faced with plenty of challenging and thought-provoking questions as they provided the audience with an overview of the machinations of the European Commission and Parliament and the way policies are shaped and implemented.

Delegates also heard how EU policies are transposed into statutory regulation and subsequently into rules for various schemes on the ground within member countries respectively.

“Ms Evans gave members an insight into how the new EU Commissioners face a scrutiny session with the elected members of the Parliament when they are faced with questions as to their objectives during their term in office,” said FUW Denbighshire and Flintshire county executive officer Rhys Roberts.

Members heard that the new agriculture commissioner will be Irishman Phil Hogan, whom Ms Evans believes is someone that the agricultural community will be able to work with over the coming four years.

Dr Fenwick explained to members that although the regulations that farmers have to face on a daily basis may appear overly complicated and burdensome but that the final policy is often considerably watered down from the original proposals put forward by the EU Commission and that this was mainly due to the intense lobbying undertaken by the farming Unions and other stakeholders.

“The issue of supermarket influences on farm gate prices and also the rise of UKIP and the threat to UK membership of the EU were raised by members during a lively and interesting meeting,” added Mr Roberts.

The evening was chaired by FUW Flintshire county president Clwyd Spencer and  FUW Flintshire county chairman Tim Faire provided members with his annual report.

“The report highlighted some of the more important events over the previous 12 months within the county, including the contributions made by Flintshire to the Farmhouse Breakfast event and to the more recent charity walk along the Wales Coastal Path.

“An informative evening was capped off with some light refreshments provided by the Flintshire Ladies Committee of the FUW when those present had an opportunity to chat with the speakers face to face,” added Mr Roberts.

[caption id="attachment_3115" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Left to right – FUW director of policy Nick Fenwick, FUW Flintshire county chairman Tim Faire, FUW Flintshire county president Clwyd Spencer and Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans Left to right – FUW director of policy Nick Fenwick, FUW Flintshire county chairman Tim Faire, FUW Flintshire county president Clwyd Spencer and Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans[/caption]