FUW backs ‘Joint Opportunities Platform’ proposal

Delegates at the Farmers’ Union of Wales autumn conference heard how a new ‘Joint opportunities platform’ could pave the way for successful joint farming agreements in the future.

Speaking after the conference yesterday (October 15), FUW president Emyr Jones, said: “It is clear that there needs to be an industry wide approach to explore and promote the opportunities for joint ventures.

“Our speakers gave us a comprehensive overview of the issues that need to be addressed and we hope that the recommendations made by MalcolFUWm Thomas, who undertook a review of the young entrants support scheme (YESS) and wider its wider implications, will be implemented as soon as possible.”

“A new Joint Opportunities Platform must be established to identify and match those farmers and landowners seeking to enter into a contract or share farming arrangement with those new entrants seeking a route into the industry,” Malcolm Thomas told conference delegates.

“The Platform would require the involvement of the wider industry and would encompass training, information and mentoring services. I recommend that this work, co-ordinated by the Welsh government, begins immediately and involves the farming unions, RWAS, RICS, CAAV, accountants, solicitors and YFC with a view to completing the work by spring 2015,” added Mr Thomas.

“The Malcolm Thomas report highlights the positive action Welsh government and industry needs to take in order to progress and move the industry forward.

“To date the report has not been published although it was clear from the cross industry support from conference delegates that the recommendations should be adopted by Welsh government.

“The Rural Development Plan 2014-2020, has the potential to deliver a whole range of initiatives which could facilitate the promotion and support of succession and joint ventures and it is vital that we have a coherent plan to take this forward,” added Mr Jones.

All successful businesses have a common ingredient and that is the flow of new blood, new ideas and new experience said Mr Jones and we need swift progress on the whole subject of succession if the industry is to address the challenges of food security in the future.

[caption id="attachment_3125" align="aligncenter" width="646"]Malcolm Thomas addresses the FUW autumn conference Malcolm Thomas addresses the FUW autumn conference[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_3126" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]Delegates at the FUW autumn conference Delegates at the FUW autumn conference[/caption]