FUW welcomes Welsh Government badger survey

The Farmers’ Union of Wales has welcomed the launch today (Monday November 3) of a survey of badgers found dead in Wales.

The survey is being conducted as part of the Welsh Government’s Bovine TB Eradication Programme and badgers found dead will be taken for post-mortem examination.

FUW TB spokesman Brian Walters said: “It is now eight years since the last Wales-wide survey of badgers was undertaken by the Government.

“That survey was extremely useful in identifying national and regional prevalence of bovine TB in badgers, so we welcome the launch of this new survey and would encourage anyone who sees a dead badger to report it.”

The Welsh Government is asking those who come across a dead badger to note the location and call the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) on 0300 303 8268. The line is open during normal office hours, Monday to Friday.

APHA will, where practicable, endeavour to collect all carcasses reported. However, they also warned that it is important people do not handle dead badgers or interfere with a carcass in any way.

The previous Wales-wide badger found dead survey was carried out between October 26, 2005 and May 31, 2006. A total of 727 badgers found dead were reported to the State Veterinary Service, 459 of which were considered suitable for examination.

Across Wales the prevalence of bovine TB in badgers was found to be 13%, with estimates of prevalence highest in Gwent (26%) southern Powys (25%), Carmarthenshire (16%) and Pembrokeshire (15%).

In the more northerly parts of Wales levels were lower, but nevertheless concerning, being 7% in northern Powys, 3% in Ceredigion, 5% in northwest Wales and 3% in north-east Wales. By comparison, the proportion of Welsh cattle which tested positive for bTB in 2007 was 0.6%.