FUW meetings to explore changes to CAP

Four meetings will be held in Carmarthenshire by the Farmers’ Union of Wales to explore and discuss the changes to the current common agricultural policy with its membership.

The union’s South Carmarthenshire sub branch will meet on January 21 at Upper Tumble Social Club, the North Carmarthenshire sub branch is to meet at the Forest Arms Brechfa on January 29, the East Carmarthenshire sub branch will meet at the Cottage Inn, Llandeilo on February 11 and the West Carmarthenshire sub branch is meeting on February 19 at Llanboidy Social Club.

“Attendance at these meetings, where members can present their views as the grass roots of the industry, is vitally important. Their contributions will assist the union to represent, fight and safeguard their interest more effectively in the future,” said FUW county executive officer David Waters.

For more details about the meetings contact Mr Waters on 01267 237 974.