FUW Anglesey farmers get chance to question general election candidates on future of rural industry

The Anglesey branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is giving members and friends of the union the chance to question general election candidates on the island about the future of the rural industry.

The event will take place on Tuesday April 14 commencing at 7.30pm at Môn Karting, Bodedern and will focus on the agricultural industry and rural Anglesey.

“Farm Business Survey figures demonstrate that each year the average Welsh farm can inject upwards of £100,000 into the wider economy, benefiting a vast array of businesses including many not directly associated with agriculture,” said FUW Anglesey county executive officer Heidi Williams.

“Farming continues to be the bedrock of rural areas, both socially and economically, and there can be no doubt that the impact of the financial crisis has been buffered by the core role agriculture has played in generating income for communities the length and breadth of the UK.

“With that in mind, I would like to invite members and friends of the union to join us for the evening and ask the general election candidates about what their party will do for the rural industry on Anglesey and for agriculture,” added Mrs Williams.

Candidates confirmed to attend the general election hustings are Plaid Cymru candidate John Rowland, Liberal Democrat candidate Mark Rosental, Socialist Labour Party candidate Liz Screen, Labour party candidate Albert Owen, Conservative party candidate Michelle Willis and UKIP candidate Nathan Gill.