Montgomeryshire family farmer opens gates for general election hustings

Farmers’ Union of Wales Montgomeryshire county chairman Mark Williams is opening his farm gates to host a general elections hustings for members of the union.

The event, which will take place on the family farm on Friday, 1 May at Pen Y Derw, Forden, Welshpool, will start at 11am.

Speaking at the hustings will be Conservative party candidate Glyn Davies, Liberal Democrat party candidate Jane Dodds, Plaid Cymru candidate Ann Griffith, UKIP candidate Des Parkinson, Labour party candidate Martyn Singleton and Green party candidate Richard Chaloner.

“It is not hard to guess that the general election is upon us soon with the countryside in Montgomeryshire becoming more colourful lately and awash with political placards. For me, I think it is the most important election during my voting history, with a possible referendum on Europe on the cards.  It could have huge consequences on agriculture without a doubt,” said Mark Williams.

“So to clarify some of the election issues I am hosting a hustings on behalf of the FUW at my farm and it will be a great chance to question the general election candidates on their policies. I would like to invite members and friends of the union to join us for this important event and hope to see especially a few of our younger members there,” added Mr Williams.

Mark has been running the sheep and beef farm since 2001, following the retirement of his parents from the industry after the foot and mouth crisis.

In total he keeps a flock of 1000 ewes and a herd of 40 suckler cows on the 700 acre holding.

“Agriculture is the backbone of our economy here in Montgomeryshire as it is in communities across Wales and the UK. It is essential that Members of Parliament and those in power after the 7 May elections recognise the importance of supporting our industry.”