Deputy minister to speak at FUW AGM

One of the most influential figures in Welsh agriculture will give her views on the industry’s current situation at the FUW’s annual general meeting at the MedRus conference centre on Aberystwyth University’s Penglais campus on Monday June 15.

Deputy farming and food minister Rebecca Evans will be the guest speaker at the event. Mrs Evans was elected to the National Assembly for Wales in May 2011 to represent the Mid and West Wales region.

She completed a history degree at the University of Leeds before attending Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge, where she received a Master of Philosophy Degree.
She has served on the National Assembly's environment and sustainable development committee and its CAP task and finish group, the health and social care committee and the children, young people and education committee.

Her wider political interests include health, social care, equalities, welfare reform and tackling poverty - including rural poverty.

Coffee will be served from 9.00am until 9.45am when FUW president Emyr Jones will formally open the conference. Following a question and answer session with the minister, the union’s internal, external and staff awards will be presented.