FUW urges members to fill in survey

The Denbighshire branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is urging its members to help save Mold Auction mart from closure by filling in an online survey.

“The future of this historic mart is on the line and we believe that the movement of this century-old livestock  market will destroy the town and its history. Mold is one of the very few market towns left with its livestock market still in the centre of town and it is the heart of the community,” said FUW Denbigh and Flintshire county executive officer Mari Dafydd Jones.

“I would like to encourage our members to fill in the survey at their earliest convenience to make their voices heard. Bearing in mind that it is an online survey and many of our members do not have access to a computer, I would like to offer them the opportunity to fill in the survey at our county office.

“Please contact the office on 01824 707198 to arrange for an appointment or those with access to a computer can fill in the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MoldLMU” added Ms Jones.