FUW Anglesey stand is all about that food at county show

Cooking demonstration by top local chefs and ready steady cook competitions YFC style will keep visitors to the Farmers’ Union of Wales stand at Anglesey county show (August 11-12) entertained this year.

Ellis Barrie of Marram Grass and Gert Vos of Oren are kick-starting the cooking demonstrations at 10.15am on the Tuesday of the show (August 11) and will be showing off their skills continuously throughout the two-day event.

The first Ready, Steady, Cook! competition, in YFC style, will commence at 11.15am with the boys and the girls will start the second round on Wednesday at 11.45pm at the FUW stand.

“We are very excited to promote our fantastic Welsh food here at the Anglesey show and welcome visitors to join us for the two-day show, have a chat, drink a cup of tea and have a piece of cake with us,” said FUW Anglesey county executive officer Heidi Williams.

Dog obedience training and advice as well as a demonstration by Heather Gordon and Margaret will put the spot light on responsible dog ownership on Wednesday of the show (August 12).

“The second day of the show will focus strongly on dog training and obedience. The FUW is continuing with its support for the ‘take the lead’ campaign as well and we are encouraging visitors to the show not to miss out on the workshops,” added Mrs Williams.

Children will not be forgotten at the show either and are invited to come by the stand on both days for a special food tasting session.

There will also be a raffle and Davis Meade and Gamlins solicitors will be at the stand for both days.