Highly trained FUW staff here to assist you with SAF 2017 at Carmarthen Livestock Centre

[caption id="attachment_7748" align="alignleft" width="200"] FUW Carmarthen County Executive Officer Assistant Nerys Edwards[/caption]

It’s that time of year again when we are thinking about SAF forms. With the application window now open, we want to remind you that we are here to help. So let us take the stress of filling the form away from you and give us a call to book your appointment.

In addition to appointments at the Carmarthen County office on 13a Barn Road, you can now also get help with your SAF form at the Carmarthen Livestock Centre, Nantyci, Llysonnen Road on a Wednesday and Thursday.

Local County Executive Officer Assistant Nerys Edwards said: “I encourage our members in Carmarthenshire and first time form fillers to contact us as soon as possible to book an appointment if they need help in filling out the form.

“Appointments can be made from now and we look forward to seeing you soon. It is also worth remembering that we are at the FUW unit at the Livestock Centre every Wednesday and Thursday from March 15, so for convenience & free parking or if you are taking cattle to market combine the trip with getting your SAF form sorted.”

FUW county staff in Carmarthen have received the latest training in assisting and giving guidance on filling out these forms and indeed have been involved in designing the very system that is used to process the applications, making them experts in using the online system.

The FUW provides this free service exclusively to all members, which has proved invaluable for thousands of members over the years - saving them time and a paperwork-headache. In fact, our recent membership survey revealed that 74% of members regarded this service as the most valued service and 95% would recommend FUW membership to their friends and family.

[caption id="attachment_7749" align="alignright" width="300"] FUW county staff in Carmarthen have received the latest training in assisting and giving guidance on filling out these forms[/caption]

FUW Managing Director Alan Davies said: “Our staff are not only extremely well trained but very well practised in dealing with the complex application process.The SAF completion process is probably the single most important form completion exercise being carried out by Welsh farmers since 2004, and the financial repercussions of errors on the forms are severe.”

Since the Welsh Government mandated that all applications should be done online, the FUW is  focused on providing the best service to its members and we would love to hear from you in the county office on 01267 237974.