Don’t miss out on funding for Farming Connect training courses – FUW reminds

The Farmers’ Union of Wales is reminding and encouraging members to make use of funding offered by Farming Connect (FC) as part of their Lifelong Learning and Development Programme.

The aim of the programme is to deliver a more professional farming and forestry industry, which will be delivered through a combination of direct training and on line e-learning.

Categories for training are split into three areas - transformational, consisting of business and leadership and management courses; technical, consisting of key technical training courses and machinery and equipment use.

The union’s land use and parliamentary committee chairman Gavin Williams said: “I would encourage all eligible members to participate in the Lifelong Learning and Development Programme offered by Farming Connect.

“There is a strong call for the farming industry to be more professional and through these training courses we can help ourselves to become more efficient, perceptive and resilient.”

Those interested in applying for funding need to be registered with FC and complete the online personal development plan before they can submit a funding application for completing a short course.

Eligible candidates can submit an application for funding, which could cover up to 80 percent of the cost, between January 4 to January 29, April 1 to April 29 and June 1 to June 30 in 2016.

Those applying for funding for a machinery and equipment use course need to complete the online Health and Safety (H&S) course before submitting an application.

Applicants are further advised to speak to their local approved training provider about course dates and obtain course costs and will be notified if funding has been approved or not.

Eligible clients are advised that they must receive funding approval in writing before commencing training, must pay the training provider the minimum 20 percent contribution and complete training within 9 months once funding has been approved.