FUW sponsors Eisteddfod prose medal

This year’s National Eisteddfod prose medal and the £750 prize money - sponsored by the Farmers’ Union of Wales’ Carmarthenshire branch and offered for a volume of creative prose of no more than 40,000 words - will be presented on Wednesday August 6 at 4pm at the eisteddfod in Llanelli (August 2 -9).

“We are honoured to sponsor this year’s prose medal to be presented during one of the Gorsedd ceremonies, when the Archdruid will lead proceedings on the pavilion stage, which is very popular among Eisteddfodwyr,” said FUW Carmarthenshire county executive officer David Waters.

“We are also looking forward to hosting a wide range of activities at the FUW Eisteddfod stand this year and to welcoming union members, non-members and friends for a cup of tea and chat,” added Mr Waters.

[caption id="attachment_2989" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]From left, David Waters and FUW Carmarthenshire county chairman Brian Richards hand over the prose medal and £750 prize money to Carmarthenshire National Eisteddfod executive committee chairman Gethin Thomas From left, David Waters and FUW Carmarthenshire county chairman Brian Richards hand over the prose medal and £750 prize money to Carmarthenshire National Eisteddfod executive committee chairman Gethin Thomas[/caption]