The Farmers’ Union of Wales today reacted angrily following the latest round of farmgate milk price cuts.

Their response follows Arla Foods decision to cut its milk price to farmers by 2p per litre (ppl) and First Milk by 1.25ppl.

FUW milk and dairy produce committee chairman Eifion Huws said: "This time of the year almost always brings bad news for dairy farmers with farmgate milk price reductions and increased input costs, energy prices and regulation leading to falling confidence.

"All dairy farmers have serious concerns about their future as they face difficult times in the months ahead. They are already experiencing very tough conditions, with historically high prices still for many inputs and pressure on returns.

"This latest round of milk price cuts began in November when Dairy Farmers of Britain announced a 2p per litre reduction. At the time the FUW called for increased support for the dairy industry but obviously that is not happening.

"For some dairy farmers these big reductions in milk price could be the last straw. It is vitally important that processors and supermarkets stand by the industry at this difficult time and do not let these difficulties trigger a downward spiral.

"I firmly believe the Government should take urgent action to prevent this happening in order to secure jobs in the farming and processing industries."