Merthyr meat plant redundancy threat major blow for Wales, says FUW

A proposal by 2 Sisters Food Group to move a retail packing department from its St Merryn premises in Merthyr Tudful to Cornwall would be a major blow to Wales, the Farmers’ Union of Wales has said.

It is understood that around 350 affected staff have been written to regarding the proposal, and are currently in a 45 day consultation period.

FUW’s Finance and Organisation committee South Wales representative Brian Bowen, who farms at Pencoedcae farm, Princetown, near the St Merryn site, said: “The plant employs around 1,000 people, so we are talking about the potential loss of around a third of the workforce.

“This would be a major blow for the local economy and for Wales’ agricultural supply chain as a whole.”

Mr Bowen said the news came at a time when there was already extreme uncertainty about the future due to the vote to leave the European Union.

“The agricultural supply chain employs scores of thousands of people in Wales’ rural and urban areas, and these proposals will come as a major blow to the families affected and the community as a whole, added Mr Bowen.”

FUW Denbighshire to hold annual general meeting

The Denbighshire branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is holding its annual general meeting on Monday, November 14, to discuss issues of concern and #FarmingMatters with members in the county.

The meeting will be held at the Brookhouse Mill, Ruthin Road, Denbigh and is due to start at 7.30pm.

Guest speakers on the night are HSBC North Wales Agriculture Director Bryn Edmunds, FUW Head of Policy Dr. Nick Fenwick and Ifor Williams Trailers Design Engineering Manager Andrew Reece-Jones.

FUW Denbigh and Flint County Executive Officer Assistant Gwennan Williams, said: “Members will be able to discuss various issues and #FarmingMatters, including the effect Brexit has had on the agricultural industry and agricultural policy issues in general with the speakers.

“In addition we look forward to hearing about the success of Ifor Williams Trailers Company.  The presentations will be followed by a question and answer session.

“We hope that as many members as possible will attend this very interesting meeting and I look forward to welcoming you on the night.”

FUW Carmarthen members enjoy Whist drive in aid of BHF Cymru

[caption id="attachment_7167" align="alignleft" width="300"]FUW members enjoying a game of Whist FUW members enjoying a game of Whist[/caption]

Members of the Farmers’ Union of Wales Carmarthenshire branch  enjoyed a night of Whist in aid of British Heart Foundation Cymru and raised £400 for the charity.

The event was held on Thursday, October 27, at Cothi Bridge Memorial Hall and was well attended by members and friends of the Union.

BHF are the nation’s heart charity and the largest independent funder of cardiovascular research. Coronary heart disease is the UK’s single biggest killer and their pioneering research has helped to transform the lives of people living with heart and circulatory conditions and their work has been central to the discoveries of vital treatments that are helping to change the face of the UK’s fight against heart disease.

FUW Carmarthen County Executive Officer David Waters said: “A good night was had by all and I would like to thank everyone that made the effort to come and support us.

“I would also like to thank Cllr Mansel Charles for being the MC on the night and all those who donated prizes for the raffle. The evening was for such a good cause and I hope that we also raised awareness of how much of a problem heart disease is across Wales and the whole of the UK.”

FUW Carmarthenshire to host NVZ and bTB consultation meeting for members

The Carmarthen branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is hosting a meeting to discuss the NVZ and bovine TB consultations and is urging members of the Union to make their voices heard by responding to the documents.

The meeting will take place on Monday, November 7 at Llanarthne Hall, and will commence at 7.30pm.

FUW Senior Policy Officer Dr Hazel Wright and Mr Philip Morgan Senior Environment Officer of Natural Resources Wales will be the guest speakers at the event.

FUW Carmarthen County Executive Officer David Waters said: “I would like to invite our members to join us for this important meeting to discuss the NVZ and bTB consultations, both of which have serious implications for farmers in the county.

“This is an opportunity for our members to make their voices heard and ask our guest speakers any questions they may have in regards to these consultations. I hope to see many of you on the night to discuss these issues.”

FUW Flintshire AGM to focus on #FarmingMatters

The Flintshire branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is holding its annual general meeting on Friday November 4, to discuss #FarmingMatters.

The meeting, held at Cilcain Village Hall, will commence at 7.30pm.

Speaking at the meeting will be Conservative MP for Aberconwy Guto Bebb, FUW Senior Policy Officer Dr Hazel Wright and Wrexham/Flint Farming Connect officer Marial Edwards.

FUW Denbigh and Flint County Executive Officer Assistant Gwennan Williams, said: “I would like to invite our members to join us for this important meeting and hope to see many of you there. #FarmingMatters issues to be discussed on the night are Brexit, bovine TB, Nitrate Vulnerable Zones in Wales and the Training and Advisory Service that is available through Farming Connect.”

For more information contact the FUW Ruthin office on 01824 707198.

FUW Pembrokeshire to host NVZ and bTB consultation meeting for members

The Pembrokeshire branch of the Farmers’ Union of Wales is holding a meeting to discuss the Welsh Government’s NVZ and bTB consultations and is urging members of the Union to make their voices heard by responding to the documents.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 9 at Crundale Hall, Crundale and will start at 11am. FUW Senior Policy Officer Dr Hazel Wright will be the guest speaker at the event.

Rebecca Voyle, the Unions Pembrokeshire County Executive Officer, said: “I would like to invite our members to join us for this important meeting to discuss the NVZ and bTB consultations, both of which have serious implications for farmers in the county.

“As stipulated in the EC Nitrates Directive, the Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales, have undertaken a review of the existing NVZ areas in Wales, and have assessed if any new areas need to be designated.

“The Union, has been involved in the review and has made its concerns clear over the past months, but farmers also need to voice their concerns through the consultation process.”

Two options are outlined in the consultation, namely, the continuation of the discrete approach to designation or the designation of the whole of Wales as a NVZ. A continuation of the discrete approach would see an increase in the amount land designated as an NVZ in Wales from 2.4% to 8%. This would mean significant changes for Pembrokeshire due to the proposal to include the whole of the Eastern Cleddau and Western Cleddau catchments.

Speaking about the bTB consultation, Mrs Voyle said: “The consultation includes a proposal to divide Wales up into low, intermediate and high TB incidence areas, with differing approaches to eradicating the disease being implemented in each area.

“The whole of Pembrokeshire would be classed as a high incidence area with significant changes proposed to the TB controls which would operate in the area, so I urge our members to make sure that they attend the meeting to ensure that their views are included in the consultation response we will be issuing.”

To confirm a place at the meeting members must contact the Pembrokeshire office on 01437 762913 by 12 noon on Monday November 7, for catering purposes.