Consultations Pending

i) NRW ‘Challenges and Choices’

This is the second consultation under the Water Framework Directive that will contribute to the River Basin Management Plans and the State of Natural Resource Report (SoNaRR 2).

The consultation aims to share an overview of water management challenges in different areas of Wales and ways of improving these.  Respondents can suggest actions that are required in different areas which should influence the approach to water management in the area.

NRW would like your views on the issues affecting Wales, the Western Wales River Basin District and the Dee River Basin District.  In addition:

  • Any additional evidence that we should include in the preparation of the Area Statements and SoNaRR 2
  • The options for resolving the significant water management issues
  • Your suggestions to address the issues identified in the river basin district

Please follow click here for the consultation document.  Deadline for responses is 22nd December 2019.

ii) Welsh Government Clean Air Plan For Wales

The aim of the Clean Air Plan for Wales is to improve air quality and in doing so reduce the burden of poor air quality on human health, biodiversity and the natural environment in Wales - alongside the Prosperity For All National Strategy and commitments to reduce emissions.

The plan outlines how air quality policy is interlinked with other Welsh Government policies i.e. Sustainable development, Well-Being of Future Generations and Environment Acts, Decarbonisation.

The plan uses themes to address areas of impact where future action is required. These themes include improving air quality to:

  • Protect the health and well-being of current and future generations
  • Support our natural environment, ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Support a prosperous Wales
  • Support a sustainable place

Please follow click here for the consultation document.  Deadline for responses is 10 March 2020.

iii) Welsh Government Changes to planning and related applications fees

The Welsh Government has set out new proposals which aim to revise planning application fees as they currently do not cover the costs of running Local Planning Authority (LPA) services.

The consultation proposes to retain the current planning fee structure as set out in the 2015 regulations in the short-term and increase all planning fees by around 20%.  In addition, to support LPAs when determining applications for certificates of appropriate alternative development, they propose to introduce a fee of £230 per application.

In the longer term, Welsh Government aim to consider whether there is a need to reform the method of charging planning fees for supporting the cost recovery process.

Please follow click here for the consultation document.  Deadline for responses is 13 March 2020.