Farming Connect Skills And Training Application Window Now Open

The Farming Connect January - February Skill and Training application window is now open until 5pm Friday 28 February 2020.

The programme allows anyone registered with Farming Connect to apply for funding of up to 80% towards completing short training courses. The full list of courses available can be viewed here and further information is available here.

Before applying, you must; (i) be registered with Farming Connect, (ii) access the Business Wales (BOSS) website via Sign on Cymru here, and (iii) complete an online Personal Development Plan (PDP).

Once completing the above, you will be able to complete the training application form on BOSS and you will be notified about the outcome of your application by around the 20th of March. Successful applicants will have to complete their desired course within 9 months of the notification.

For applicants registering for the first time during this application window in order to apply for a funded course or to update their account details, please contact Farming Connect before 5pm Monday 24 February on 08456 000 813.