Welsh Government Provide Financial Boost For Digital Infrastructure Ahead of Bovine EID

Welsh Government has announced funding of 500,000 pounds to support digital infrastructure developments for eligible livestock markets, collection centres and abattoirs in Wales.

The funding, which has been administered through Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion Wales, is available to small and medium-sized businesses to help the move towards a single multi-species database for traceability.

From February 1 to the 30 April 2020, businesses which are considered as Central Point Recording Centres (CPRCs) can apply for funding to improve their digital infrastructure which will support the future introduction of Bovine EID tags. Once introduced, cattle tags will be able to be scanned and uploaded to EIDCymru as is currently available for sheep.

In preparation for the Bovine EID consultation, the Farmers’ Union of Wales have undertaken a visit with DEFRA officials to an abattoir in Wales in order to explore the implications of implementing Bovine EID and to discuss cross border implications. The FUW will continue to work in partnership with the wider industry and is in the process of setting up Bovine EID farmer focus-groups to aid in efficient delivery of the technology.