Emergency Authorisation For The Use of Asulam For Bracken Control

The Chemical Regulation Division for the Health and Safety Executive has confirmed that an Emergency Authorisation (EA) for the use of Asulam for bracken control will be issued for 2020.

There are two significant differences from previous EAs:

  • The approval applies to applications from a helicopter only. Application from hand-held (knapsack sprayers) or ground-based equipment will not be authorised.
  • For aerial spraying, the required buffer zone for surface water bodies will increase from 50m to 90m.

The implications of these changes and the information that will need to be collected to support a further EA application will be considered by the Bracken Control Group (BCG) and further guidance will be provided.

Anyone planning to apply Asulam next season must read the terms and conditions contained in the draft EA Approval document. The final version of the approval will be issued before the start of the EA period. The final version must be checked before any Asulam is applied; the BCG will aim to highlight any changes from the draft on the website link provided below.

For further supporting information, including relevant dates for the 2020 season, please click on the Bracken Control Group website.