Latest guidance for farmers on public right of ways

Since the beginning of the covid pandemic, access to the countryside and the use of public footpaths has been high on the agenda and was highlighted in the first letter to UK Secretary of State George Eustice and Welsh Minister Lesley Griffiths on 23 March.

Welsh Government therefore enacted the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) Regulations 2020 on 27 March which enables Local Authorities to close footpaths which are deemed as high risk. This has been enforced in some areas of Wales as required and up to date lists of the closed footpaths can be viewed here.

In addition, Welsh Government have created guidance explaining the legalities and advice for farmers who are responsible for public footpaths. Please click here for the Welsh Government footpath guidance.

The FUW has produced appropriate signs for members to use which can be obtained through email from your local county office and we continue to discuss these matters with Stakeholders amongst the Access Reform Advisory Group.