Covid-19 Agri-Business Support Update

The FUW has expressed major concerns regarding a lack of direct support for agricultural businesses affected by the covid-19 pandemic.

On 1 April a one month extension was granted for submitting the 2020 Single Application Form and a further 5.5 million pounds of funding to reopen the BPS and Glastir 2019 support schemes for anyone who had not previously benefited from them - which closed for applications on 17 April.

As of 6 April, around 98% of eligible BPS claimants had received either their full 2019 BPS claim or a BPS support scheme payment and around 55% of eligible Rural Development area based payments (primarily Glastir) had been processed. The FUW has been raising concerns on a weekly basis in teleconferences with Welsh Government regarding the need to make outstanding payments and balance payments (both for BPS and Glastir) and to process outstanding inspection reports in order to allow this to happen and to ensure data for the 2020 SAF can be entered correctly by members and staff.

Furthermore, a letter was sent to Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, on 23 April highlighting how important farm businesses are to all other rural businesses and how the latest figures suggest that around 1,800 Welsh farmers are still waiting for their full BPS or Glastir payments.

The FUW continues to press for a bespoke support package and this is especially pertinent given that agricultural businesses cannot access funds through the Economic Resilience Scheme. The Covid-19 Wales Business Loan Scheme offered by the Development Bank of Wales, and offered as an element of the Business Wales support scheme, is now fully subscribed.

Farming businesses can apply for the UK wide Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) however some fishery, aquaculture and agricultural businesses may not qualify for the Government paid 12 months interest and loan fees, and farmers should consider the longer term implications of taking out an additional loan. The UK Government has more recently announced a ‘Bounce Back’ Loan Scheme aimed at smaller businesses. Members wishing to apply for either of the above loan schemes should contact their accountant for assistance.