FUW pushes for better domestic food procurement process

The FUW has written to Future Generations Commissioner Sophie Howe outlining the urgent need to safeguard domestic food security and primary producers by ensuring that the procurement process is aligned with the Well Being of Future Generations Act.

The letter highlighted the importance of ensuring that the food procurement process does not rank price above all other factors, and that it functions in a way which protects domestic food security, the food supply chain and ensures the long term viability of our food producers and their businesses.

The ongoing covid-19 pandemic has placed significant pressure on the farming industry as a whole. Whilst panic buying and other factors have led to significant shortages of certain foodstuffs, sales of produce through the foodservice markets have crashed leading to major price cuts for many red meat and dairy producers.

With such impacts likely to continue for many months, the future may be unpredictable and, in the worst case, unsustainable for many family farms. It is therefore essential that family-run farming businesses are properly supported in order to ensure business longevity.

Prior to the covid-19 pandemic, the agricultural sector was already under pressure from other industry uncertainties, not least those associated with Brexit and the current Welsh Government plans to introduce pan-Wales NVZ regulations.

Whilst the FUW appreciates that increasing and promoting food procurement would not be a silver bullet amidst current industry problems, we believe that it is essential for the UK Government to source from our key workers when procuring foodstuffs in order to protect the long term viability of those family farming businesses which play a vital role in UK food supply.