Critical workers can now apply for a free covid test

The Welsh Government list of critical workers who can now apply for a free covid test has been updated and can be viewed here.

Food and other necessary goods workers are included in the list of critical workers and this group now includes:

  • Those in food production, processing, distribution, sale and delivery, such as farmers, abattoir workers and milk processors
  • Individuals that support the production of food such as quality control
  • Those who are critical to the provision of other essential goods such as veterinary medicines
  • Workers critical for the essential movement and storage of goods such as agricultural merchants
  • Essential agricultural services such as shearers, foot trimmers and sheep dippers

The listed critical workers can now apply for either a covid home test or a slot at a mass drive through testing centre here. Please be reminded that the covid lockdown rules still apply in Wales and so do the self-isolation guidelines if you show symptoms.

For those who cannot access the internet or have any issues when applying for a test, the COVID-19 UK support service can be contacted by dialing 119. This service is also available bilingually.