FUW urges UK Government to issue clarification on different lockdown rules

Earlier this month, the Farmers’ Union of Wales called on the UK Prime Minister to issue urgent clarification that the recent changes to English lockdown rules do not apply to Wales.

The PM’s address to the entire UK Nation on 10th May was described by the FUW as both ‘confusing’ and 'ambiguous'. In particular, the FUW was concerned at the Prime Minister’s comment that ‘you can drive to other destinations’ as this could lead people to wrongly assume they could visit Wales; thereby increasing the risk of introducing the coronavirus to Welsh communities as well as being fined by the police for doing so.

From March 27th to May 11th, police forces across Wales had issued a total of 799 fines for alleged covid-19 restriction breaches and English residents have been flocking over the border to visit Welsh beaches since the announcement.

In March, Welsh Government introduced emergency legislation to some public places after thousands flocked to tourist hotspots such as Snowdonia National Park. This announcement has only reignited the concerns of many FUW members who are in the vulnerable category about the risk of more people coming to use public footpaths that run through their farmyards and fields.

Reports of broken gates, forest fires and dog attacks on livestock have prompted the FUW to produce gatepost signs for members encouraging the public to consider their use of footpaths.

Many FUW members were also extremely concerned at the number of individuals arriving in rural areas and illegally using second homes. Whilst the FUW values the high contribution that visitors and tourists make to the Welsh rural economy, the health of our communities must be the priority during this pandemic.

With the UK’s per capita mortality rate higher than in some of the worst affected countries in the World, including France and Italy, Governments need to be vigilant and cautious, and the FUW’s priority continues to be protecting rural communities and food producers.