FUW welcomes funding to support Welsh dairy farmers through COVID-19

The Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) has welcomed new funding measures to support Welsh dairy farmers through COVID-19, following an announcement by Rural Affairs Minister, Lesley Griffiths.

Eligible dairy farmers - who have lost more than 25% of their income in April and subsequently May - will be entitled to up to £10,000, to cover 70% of their lost income.

Large numbers of Welsh dairy farmers have been hit hard by the seismic changes to dairy supply chains that have occurred as a result of the current pandemic, with many facing devastating financial losses. With farmers unable to access many of the Government’s support schemes due to the eligibility criteria, the Welsh Government package is a welcome lifeline, even though losses on many farms would far exceed the support that has been announced - with some suffering losses that amount to many tens of thousands more than what is being offered.

The FUW previously called on the Welsh Government to introduce support for dairy farmers hit by severe farmgate price drops during the pandemic. Earlier this month, Defra announced a fund enabling English dairy farmers to access up to £10,000 to help them overcome the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. The announcement of dairy support in Wales is a step in the right direction to protect hard hit Welsh family farms and the businesses and employees who rely on them.

The FUW has had regular meetings with the Welsh and UK Governments, as well as with other stakeholders, since March, and we have repeatedly called for a range of interventions including direct support. We will continue to do all we can to ensure that our industry continues to get the support it needs during these difficult times.