News in Brief June 2020

i) Chair appointed for New Ruminant Health and Welfare Group
Nigel Miller has been appointed as the Chair of the new Ruminant Health and Welfare Group (RHAWG) for a two year term.

Mr Miller is a former vet and NFU Scotland President. The RHAWG has been established to tackle important diseases of ruminant livestock and contains a variety of stakeholders, including the FUW. The first meeting of the group is expected shortly.

ii) Retail sales of UK beef increased during pandemic
Retail sales data from Kantar Worldpanel show that the total spend on beef during the 12-week period up to 17th May increased by nearly 27 percent year on year.

Industry campaigns encouraging consumers to purchase more prime cuts, such as steaks and joints, had a positive effect on sales. However the uplift in retail sales can only partly make up for the disruption caused following the closure of the foodservice sector during the pandemic.

iii) New Zealand farmers vote to continue DairyNZ funding 
Farmers in New Zealand have voted to continue paying towards DairyNZ. DairyNZ invests dairy producer money into a wide range of activities, such as research and development and also provides advocacy services.

Nearly 12,000 dairy farmers pay the 3.6c per kg Milk Solid levy and 69% of the 6,500 or so respondents voted in favour of continuing to pay for the DairyNZ service.