Emergency Authorisation of Asulam for the 2020 season

An approval of an application to add some ground based control of bracken to the existing approval for aerial application was issued on the 9th July 2020. Approval has been subject to the terms set out in Emergency Authorisations granted by the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) of the Health and Safety Executive.

Bracken (Pteridium aquilinium) is a perennial plant that has an amazing invasive ability to spread through rhizomes under the ground, such that increases in land cover of around 3% per annum are not uncommon. Estimates of bracken ground cover vary between 900km2 (4.3%) and 1200km2 (5.3%) of Wales’ land mass.

Bracken is concentrated in the West of the United Kingdom, particularly in extensive areas of higher ground, often on sloping land, between 200 and 400 metres above sea level and out competes grassland and conservation species.

This approval will allow:

  • Aerial application provided a buffer zone of 90m protects surface water bodies
  • Ground based application of Asulam for conservation land within an agri-environment scheme. In Wales, this includes land covered by Section 16 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and Welsh Agri-Environment and Rural Development Programme grant schemes, where specific agreement for bracken control including the use of ‘Asulox’ has been made with Natural Resources Wales
    These should be applied by a vehicle mounted horizontal boom sprayer in a water volume of 400 to 500 litres per hectare.
  • Ground based application of Asulam during the establishment of forestry
  • Asulam concentration applied by hand (knapsack) has changed from 1 part concentrate to 100 parts water to 1 part concentrate to 4 parts water. However, the overall application rate of Asulam at 11 litres / ha (10 litres / ha in forestry) has not changed, but less water will be required in the mix that is applied.

All end users of Asulam should note a requirement to record how, when and where the Asulam was applied and that all stock should be excluded from treated areas for a month after application to prevent residues from entering the food chain.

Key dates for 2020:

  • 18th May 2020 - Start of the Emergency Authorisation period of 120 days.Storage, promotion, sales and transfer authorised.
  • 1st July 2020 - Application of Asulam can commence
  • 14th September 2020 - Expiry date for sale and distribution of stocks. Storage can continue or be disposed. No application after the 14th September.
  • 31st October 2020 - Expiry date for storage and disposal.

Online forms for recording and further information can be downloaded here: https://www.brackencontrol.co.uk/asulam