Welsh Government launch BPS support scheme for 2020

Welsh Government has announced that the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) Support scheme will return for a third consecutive year in order to provide claimants with the much needed support and flexibility in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The scheme will pay a loan of up to 90% of the business’ anticipated BPS claim value from 7 December to successful applicants and to those whose full BPS claim is not processed.

The scheme will follow an ‘opt-in’ process and will be open for applications via RPW Online from 1 September to 27 November 2020.

There are some instances where a support scheme payment would not be appropriate and these are highlighted in the guidance on RPW Online. For example, where there is an outstanding grant probate or if penalties applied to the claim will not be covered by the balance payment.

RPW will ensure that claimants whose support scheme applications are rejected are prioritised for processing to ensure that everyone receives either a full or support payment as early as possible.

The FUW would urge all Members to apply for the support scheme and to contact local FUW County Staff for assistance if required.