FUW Webinar: Land use, conservation and cultural clearances - lessons for Wales and the UK from around the world

For more than five decades the charity Survival International has worked with tribal and indigenous peoples around the globe to protect them against racism, land theft, forced development and genocidal violence - often at the hand of so-called conservation groups or governments implementing sweeping land use changes.

On October 12th the organisation’s Director Stephen Corry and Research and Advocacy Officer Fiore Longo will join speakers from Wales and the north of England to consider how land use policies and conservation can become a cover for colonialism and the oppression of local populations - and why we shouldn’t consider this as just an issue for the Global South - once called the “Developing World”.

“Conservation groups are now openly calling for huge areas of land to be ‘protected’ from ‘human intervention’ (except theirs), without taking into account how traditional land users have shaped landscapes for countless generations – to the benefit of both human survival and biodiversity.

“They want to end the self-sufficiency of millions of people and push them off the land and into dependence on factory- farmed or produced food. This will be a disaster for people and the planet.”

Stephen Corry, Director, Survival International

Those interested in joining the webinar should contact FUW Policy Communication Officer Gareth Parry by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephoning 07872 903641.