Expression of Interest Window Dates October 2020

Scheme Summary Window Close
Welsh Government 2020 BPS support scheme

The scheme will pay a loan of up to 90% of the business’ anticipated BPS claim value from 7 December to successful applicants and to those whose full BPS claim is not processed.

RPW will ensure that claimants whose support scheme applications are rejected are prioritised for processing to ensure that everyone receives either a full or support payment as early as possible.

The FUW would urge all Members to apply for the support scheme and to contact local FUW County Staff for assistance if required.

27 November 2020
Opt-in via RPW Online
Farm Business Grant - Yard Coverings

The Farm Business Grant Yard Coverings scheme seeks to support farmers to improve their current infrastructure for yard coverings - covering feeding areas, slurry pits, silage stores etc - where rainwater can be separated.

The scheme will have two windows and offer support of between £3,000 and £12,000.

Local FUW County Executive Officers will be able to explain the scheme requirements to members. FUW staff will not be able to complete the Expression of Interest on behalf of members due to the technical requirements.

Further information and guidance will become available on the Welsh Government website prior to the 9 November.

Farming Connect will also be hosting a webinar on 4 November. Booking is essential but not required to apply for the grant.

9 November - 18 December 2020 (£1.5 million)

Farming Connect: Prosper from Pasture

Farming Connect’s Prosper from Pasture programme is fully funded and will include entry, intermediate and advanced levels for those wishing to learn more about different grassland techniques.
To express an interest and for more information, please click here.

26 November 2020