FUW hosts all Wales mental health conference

On the eve of World Mental Health day (Friday, October 9), the FUW hosted a virtual All Wales Mental Health conference, which explored the wider context of poor mental health in rural communities and what steps need to be taken by Governments, decision makers and policy shapers to address the situation, especially as Covid-19 is likely to put further pressure on people’s mental health and finances.

The event was also supported by Welsh Government’s Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs,Lesley Griffiths, and New Zealand farmer and mental health champion Doug Avery through video messages.

Following the Conference, the FUW has written to the Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welsh Language, Eluned Morgan, to outline some of the key points which were raised during the conference.

A point made repeatedly during the event was that farmers must be considered as a group of people who have different requirements and needs when it comes to their mental health and wellbeing. It was agreed that a bespoke strategy should be put in place to ensure that farmers accessing help for mental health problems through GPs are not treated under a blanket policy.

The conference also highlighted that the route to mental health support through a GP is not always straightforward and that it can often take a very long time before the person has access to the support they need.

Those who missed the event can catch up by viewing the recorded sessions on the members section of the FUW website: https://www.fuw.org.uk/en/members/member-seminars