Expression of Interest Window Dates November 2020

Scheme Summary Window Close
Farm Business Grant - Yard Coverings

The Farm Business Grant Yard Coverings scheme seeks to support farmers to improve their current infrastructure for yard coverings - covering feeding areas, slurry pits, silage stores etc - where rainwater can be separated.

The scheme will have two windows and offer support of between £3,000 and £12,000.

Local FUW County Executive Officers will be able to explain the scheme requirements to members. FUW staff will not be able to complete the Expression of Interest on behalf of members due to the technical requirements.

Further information is available on the Welsh Government website

18 December 2020 (£1.5 million)

Glastir Woodland Creation (GWC)

The 10th Expression of Interest window is now open for the GWC scheme with a budget of £9 million.

The scheme provides financial support for capital works including planting, fencing and in certain circumstances, annual maintenance and premium payments.

You must contact a registered planner to discuss your proposals and they must then complete and submit an EOI on your behalf.

The land put forward to be planted must be registered with the Rural Payment Wales Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) and be under your full management control.

See here for further information and to express an interest.

15 January 2021