Minor changes to Cross Compliance 2021 rules

The majority of Cross Compliance rules will continue to apply as in 2020, however the below have been updated to reflect changes in requirements, good practice and clarification:

SMR 8: sheep and goat identification. The link to the Sheep and Goat Identification Guidance for Keepers 2018 has been updated.

SMR 10: restrictions on the use of plant protection products (PPP). The definition of PPP has been clarified. The Good Practice section has been updated. This covers qualifications, application equipment and weather conditions. Additional links to guidance are included. These concern the inspection of equipment and treatment records.

SMR 11: welfare standards for the Protection of Calves. Clarification of requirements concerning tethering, calf pen dimensions and feeding calves. Good Practice clarified regarding feeding milk from TB infected cattle.

SMR 12: welfare standards for the protection of pigs. Clarification of the requirements concerning accommodation, tethering and tail-docking.
SMR 13: welfare standards for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes. Updated to clarify what is considered good practice.

GAEC 6: maintenance of soil and organic matter. Requirements for EIA screening clarified. Now including restructuring projects on all rural landholdings, including Common Land.

GAEC 7: landscape features. Requirement to retain all ponds clarified to prevent the drainage/filling-in of part of a pond. Definition of Landscape Features expanded to include Environmentally Sensitive Permanent Grassland (ESPG).

For more information visit https://gov.wales/cross-compliance-2021