Rearing Approved Finishing Units and TB Dedicated Sales in high TB areas of Wales

Approved Finished Units (AFUs) are approved to strict biosecurity and permanent TB restrictions and must be indoor units located in high TB areas with appropriate licences to move cattle on and off the holding.

Up until the end of 2020, AFUs in Wales have only been able to send cattle straight to slaughter. However, since 1st January 2021, individual animals have been able to move to another AFU with the correct licence.

Rearing AFUs will also be allowed in Wales to allow calves to be bought from multiple TB restricted or Officially TB Free (OTF) holdings, fattened and then sold to another AFU for finishing.

In November 2020, a pilot Orange Market was held and as a result, other markets in the high TB areas of Wales will be able to apply for approval to hold an Orange Market, with the revised policy to be reviewed in 12 months.

Only cattle from TB restricted holdings (not AFUs) can enter an Orange Market with a licence from APHA to cover the move. These animals can only go to an AFU in Wales or England or be sent directly to slaughter and cannot return to its home holding from the sale.

Welsh Government has introduced these changes following collaboration with industry representatives and the Farming Unions in response to the change in policy for ensuring that calves born into the dairy industry are raised to eight weeks of age.

The APHA can be contacted on 0300 3038268 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Further information and guidance can be found on the TB Hub Website.