Single Application Form SAF assistance to continue remotely 2021

It’s been nearly a year since the FUW took the unprecedented step to close all county offices.

A particular focus given the time of year has been to ensure that the FUW can continue to provide assistance with the completion and submission of SAF/IACS forms - each year the FUW assists members with Basic Payment Scheme claims totalling more than £60 million, and many millions more in Glastir claims, often providing invaluable help to those who are unable to access the internet services necessary to complete forms.

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, the many thousands of members who are due to receive FUW assistance with the completion of their 2021 SAF will be offered ‘virtual appointments’. Information on forms will be cross-checked during a telephone call, and where members are unable to access online services, forms will now be submitted on behalf of members by FUW staff.

However, such ‘virtual’ assistance increases the risk of errors occurring, therefore members should get in touch with their local county office immediately if there have been any significant changes to the farm since last year; these include, boundary changes, new land, changes in business partners, inspections since last year and any other changes to land use. Members should also check their RPW online messages for any mapping changes or land inspections as these could have a large impact on completing the SAF.

By letting County Staff know, they will be able to prepare maps and gather information in preparation for your SAF appointment from March onwards.

If you have any concerns, please get in touch with your local county office who will be able to answer your questions.