Birch Farm Plastics to operate a collection service from Spring 2021

Birch Farm Plastics has announced plans to operate a collection service for farm plastics from Spring 2021.

With a new producer and manufacturer led project, it is hoped that the new collection service will divert much more agricultural film into recycling rather than landfill and support all farmers who are likely to be already paying an eco contribution on silage film.

The eco contribution goes to the Agriculture Plastics Environment (APE) to subsidise the costs of recycling the plastic waste with the aim of keeping costs as low as possible.

In order to intervene and address the volumes of farm plastics, Birch Farm Plastics aim to prioritise and increase collection points where groups of farmers can be collected together.

Further details and costs will be provided in due course however, farmers are able to express an interest for plastic collection in early Spring by contacting Birch Farm Plastics on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.k or 01792 869776.