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Wales Air Ambulance receiving their award from FUW President Glyn Roberts.[/caption]
The Farmers’ Union of Wales has recognised the crucial role the Wales Air Ambulance (WAAC) plays in agriculture by awarding it with the Union’s External Services to Agriculture award.
The charity, on average, deals with 20 animal attack incidents and 200 agricultural incidents, which include falls through roof barns and getting trapped in machinery, a year.
The farming community is helped 18 times per month across Wales, and this accounts for about 8% of the overall workload.
FUW President Glyn Roberts said: “Today we thank the Wales Air Ambulance officially for the life saving service they provide every day of the year and honour them with the FUW External Services to Agriculture award.
“The service provided by the Wales Air Ambulance is absolutely vital for the farming industry and everyone who lives or visits rural Wales and might find themselves in need of urgent medical attention.
“From its airbases in Llanelli, Caernarfon and Welshpool, an air ambulance can be anywhere in Wales within 20 minutes of an emergency call. The fast response times, ability to reach difficult locations, and flying patients to the most appropriate hospital for their illness or injury, greatly improves a patient’s survival and early recovery.”
Since its launch on St David’s Day in 2001, the WAAC has carried out more than 24,000 missions to date, with each mission costing approximately £1500.
The charity launched a fourth aircraft based in Cardiff in 2016 dedicated to its children’s air ambulance operation, providing important neonatal and paediatric transfers for Wales’ youngest patients.
WAAC relies entirely on charitable donations to raise over £6 million each year to keep the helicopters flying for Wales. The charity does not receive any funding from the national lottery or the government.
In 2015 WAAC introduced flying doctors on board its aircraft through a new scheme with the NHS, meaning the charity can provide even more advanced treatments, including blood transfusions and anaesthesia.
Mark Stevens, Wales Air Ambulance Fundraising Manager, said: “We would like to say a huge thank you to the Farmers’ Union of Wales for their outstanding support. We receive a great deal of support from farmers for our work, and it enables us to come to the aid of people across Wales.
“Around 120 of our missions per year are agricultural missions. And agricultural injuries tend to be the most severe, that require anaesthesia, chest surgery or blood transfusions at the scene.
“Without the kind donations and support we receive, we wouldn’t be able to keep our helicopters flying. So we would like to thank the FUW for their lifesaving support.”